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Topic: osc implementation (Read 4333 times) |
osc implementation
« on: Apr 19th, 2004, 1:06am » |
hi, if anyone is interested in an osc (open sound control) implementation for processing you can find and download a patch here http://www.sojamo.de/iv/index.php?n=11 . instructions and comments are in the oscP5.pde file. i successfully tested it on win xp, win 98, mac os x and with max/msp, supercollider 2 and 3, java, so it should work for any osc client. havent tested in on linux boxes, so would be interested in feedback from this side, actually from any side. hope this is useful for anyone. andi
« Last Edit: May 14th, 2004, 9:08am by sojamo » |
andreas schlegel http://www.sojamo.de
Glen Murphy

Re: osc implementation
« Reply #1 on: Apr 19th, 2004, 7:49am » |
Nice one! I've been doing some OSC stuff recently (though manually parsing packets), and found it quite interesting.
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #2 on: Apr 23rd, 2004, 3:13am » |
excellent! this'll be great to trigger processing from patching software, some people on the pure data mail list were wanting to do this a while back - you should post there too. thanks!
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #3 on: May 7th, 2004, 12:49pm » |
Right now I'm at the RAM 5 workshop on Open Source Media Architecture. Thor Magnusson from IXI Software is giving a session on alternative music interfaces using OSC, and he has just been showing a modified version of Casey's "Handles" example controlling sine wave synths in Supercollider. The communication was done with OSC, and looks really nice and simple. I'll try to persuade Thor to post his code openly. I think OSC is excellent for inter-application communication, which is great both for sound and control systems.
« Last Edit: May 7th, 2004, 3:41pm by amoeba » |
marius watz // amoeba http://processing.unlekker.net/
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #4 on: May 7th, 2004, 3:41pm » |
* amoeba bonks himself on head Thor just explained that he actually uses the OSC code from Sojamo in his example. But he will hopefully post a working example of getting Processing to talk to PD. This is very exciting, since it means you could build complex visual interfaces in Processing controlling audio synthesis in other software. Thanks, Sojamo!
« Last Edit: May 7th, 2004, 3:41pm by amoeba » |
marius watz // amoeba http://processing.unlekker.net/
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #5 on: May 7th, 2004, 9:46pm » |
hi amoeba, the osc implementation i posted should communicate with any osc capable application, also with pd, without a problem. sending and receiving. havnt worked with pd yet, but will try to test it asap. have fun communicating
andreas schlegel http://www.sojamo.de
David Morris Guest

Re: osc implementation
« Reply #6 on: May 10th, 2004, 5:00am » |
Thanks for the osc implementation. I am a novice to Processing & relatively so to OSC. I am trying to get Processing to talk to Native Instrument's Reaktor. I am able to get IXI spinOSC to do so: when I set its output port to the same number as the one in the local port box in Reaktor, the messages from spinOSC show up in Reaktor's OSC monitor and I can receive and use them in Reaktor. But I can't get oscP5.pde to send anything to Reaktor. When I run oscP5.pde, I see the following: osc receiver created ... osc receiver started on port: 50000 osc sender initialized. When I click in the box that opens up in Processing, it fires simpleMessage() (checked this by sticking in a printline), and something is happening on the network since my firewall shows activity. From reading the code, I am presuming this should send an OSC message. But I am not having anything show up in Reaktor. When I change the sendtoPort in oscP5.pde to be the same as the localport in Reaktor (which is what seemed to make spinOSC--> Reaktor work), and run oscP5.pde Processing locks up (the box that opens up is white and doesn't get its background set to black, get an hourclass, and have to force windows to close this box). Any suggestions? I'm really working blind here. NB I don't think the firewall is the problem since I set it to let Reaktor and java have access, and I get the same behaviour with it shutdown; and spinOSC-->Reaktor works with the firewall running.
David Morris Guest

Re: osc implementation
« Reply #7 on: May 10th, 2004, 5:55am » |
Further testing: I can get Reaktor to send a message to Processing, at least when I send a /test 56, etc. message I get a printout in Processing: this is a test message
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #9 on: Dec 7th, 2004, 2:08pm » |
I would like to ask question of OSC. I get jar file for OSC from http://www.sojamo.de/iv/index.php?n=11 I try to put the jar file in processing directory. (1) Which directory should I put the file in ? (2) I try to connect pd with processing by OSC. Someone is succeed to connetion ? If there is someone who has tried to connect with Pd , I would like to responce the status for me.
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #10 on: Dec 7th, 2004, 8:04pm » |
Hi I implemented new socket class and OSC class. It seems to work well So I try to use it. However if you have new information for OSC and TCP and so on, would you inform me ? Best Regards ytakuya
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #11 on: Dec 8th, 2004, 4:10am » |
hi ytakuya, the oscP5_011.jar you downloaded goes into the code folder (actually you have to create this folder) of your processing file. by default your processing files are stored in the sketchbook folder of processing. but it seems you figured that out. did you get the communication working with pd? because this is one of the applications i havent tried to communicate with yet. in january there should also be a new version of oscP5, i am working on it. you said you are interested in osc over tcp. are you using osc over tcp? so i let you know when the new version is out. happy communicating.
andreas schlegel http://www.sojamo.de
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #12 on: Dec 20th, 2004, 5:47pm » |
Hi Sojamo-san How do you do? Sorry to late response. I try to communicate pd with processing by OSC protocol. However it was no time, so I made socket server of jar on Processing in order to connect processing, pd and PDA. Pd is a little trickey communication, so I think it is good way to make the middleware platform. And we need to adaptation OSC protocol. And processing is good graphical tool for mixture media, so it is more better to add socket or network resorce. I appriciate your responce. From now on, I try to make environment for Jsyn and Processing. I hope I can make some contents like Pataru-san Best Regards Ytakuya
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #13 on: Jan 9th, 2005, 10:40pm » |
Hey Andreas, I did an example of Processing working with PD today, just using your simple send sketch. Saved me a lot of time as I was using xml and flosc. Here is a little video http://www.pixelsumo.com/storage/p5_pd/ Would this run over a network connection (two linked machines)? Thanks Chris OShea
Re: osc implementation
« Reply #14 on: Jan 10th, 2005, 11:18am » |
hi chris, nice work. > Would this run over a network connection (two linked machines)? sure it will. in application mode you will always be able to connect to other machines on a network. in applet mode, running in a browser, you are only able to connect to the machine the applet has been downloaded from - because of java network security. havnt dealt with that yet. btw. there is a new version (12) of oscP5 + examples now available at http://www.sojamo.de/iv/index.php?n=11 which should make things easier to use.
andreas schlegel http://www.sojamo.de