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   int and float strangeness
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   Author  Topic: int and float strangeness  (Read 557 times)

WWW Email
int and float strangeness
« on: Nov 2nd, 2004, 11:31pm »

been away from p5 for a while, and now it doesn't like me anymore.
why does this:


return 0?
so does this:


and this:

float newfloat = 1/6;

this works okay:


but is rather ridiculous.

Re: int and float strangeness
« Reply #1 on: Nov 3rd, 2004, 12:29am »

what processing returned is perfectly fine.
either way, once one of the numbers is a float the result is a float. otherwise it's an integer as your tests show.

WWW Email
Re: int and float strangeness
« Reply #2 on: Nov 3rd, 2004, 1:13am »

I generally get in the habit of adding .0 after any float that has no digits after the decimal place.  I think it might be good coding practice.
float x = 1.0;
float y;
y = x/2.0;
and so forth.

Re: int and float strangeness
« Reply #3 on: Nov 3rd, 2004, 1:55am »

yes, i agree ... i think a general what's-clean-code-tutorial would be good for beginners, considering some of the posts around here ... /F

WWW Email
Re: int and float strangeness
« Reply #4 on: Nov 4th, 2004, 5:14am »

Which one is better?

guillaume LaBelle

WWW Email
Re: int and float strangeness
« Reply #5 on: Nov 4th, 2004, 6:34am »

If I am not mistaken, the 'f' is being deprecated because a lot of people new to processing and java and the like get confused by its inclusion and usage.  
So, 1.0/6.0 would be preferred.
Just try to remember that processing (java) deals with numbers in three primary ways.
Integers - nothing after the decimal place
So if you need have a counter of some sort, integers would be the way to go so you only need to deal with numbers like 1,2,40,50505, etc.
Floats - have digits after the decimal
They can range from 3.40282347E+38 to -3.40282347E+38 and are good to use when more accuracy is required from your calculations. A simple example is that with integers, PI would be represented as 3. This just isnt quite right.  But using floats, PI would be 3.14159265 etc.
Double - I have never really used this.  I think Processing only supports them insomuch as it can be utilized through Java. I believe it is twice as accurate as floats, but tend to be hogs because who really needs ALL those digits past the decimal.
I defer to the Java folk to clarify this.  I think Java has all manner of numeric classifiers including integer, float, double, long, short, int, and byte.
But for all the experiments I have made with Processing, I tend to use floats unless dealing with counters, loops, timers, etc.
So, the short answer to your question, stick to 1.0/6.0 format.
UPDATE --------
Just saw that Java has numbers called AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, BigDecimal, and BigInteger as well.  Chaos!!
« Last Edit: Nov 4th, 2004, 6:36am by flight404 »  

Re: int and float strangeness
« Reply #6 on: Nov 4th, 2004, 12:26pm »

on Nov 4th, 2004, 5:14am, goo wrote:
Which one is better

Just to clarify Robert's answer.  In Processing they are identical*, but the former is better.
In Java, the former will be interpreted as doubles, the latter as floats.  But a better coding style would probably be 1.0f/6.0f anyway.  1f and 1. don't look right to me (the former could be a muddled attempt at a hex integer, 0x1f which is 31, the latter is too subtle and easy to miss).
To reiterate: in Processing, if you need accuracy, use a decimal point and a trailing zero.  It will be compiled as a float.  In Java, add the f suffix if you mean float, and leave it off if you mean double.
It's also worth noting that 1.0/6.0 will almost certainly be precalculated by the compiler, so there's no need to worry about optimising the division, if anyone was wondering about that.
*As far as I know, the preprocessor will add the f's on the end of 1.0 and 6.0 anyway.
« Last Edit: Nov 4th, 2004, 12:28pm by TomC »  
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