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   differentiating comments by color
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   Author  Topic: differentiating comments by color  (Read 481 times)

differentiating comments by color
« on: Aug 8th, 2004, 7:53am »

Didn't see this suggested anywhere else in the forum, so word up.
I'm making my own additions to the code of an example sketch.  As I add commenting to the sketch, I'd like to be able to visually differentiate my comments from the original programmer's comments.  Preferably in a way that's more striking and less cumbersome than typing //ME: after every comment I make.  For example, it'd be wonderful if I could make all of my own commenting show up BLUE instead of the usual mustard yellow.
It'd be *ideal* if the next release of P5 let users specify the colors of comments, either from a menu in the software or from within the code itself.  There could be a short list of arbitrary comment colors, called up by adding a small modifier beside the //.  Like, // = standard color, //(1) = red.  Or if you wanted to get really fancy, you could include support for RGB values:  //(255, 204, 0) = yellow commenting.
Processing already reads the sketch to color comments differently from functions, etc.  Adding 1 or 2 extra types of comment tag for it to read should be easy.  RGB values for comments is excessive, but having a way to change the basic commenting color and specify additional comment colors for a sketch would be useful + sanity-friendly.
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