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   Can processing load and display .swf files
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   Author  Topic: Can processing load and display .swf files  (Read 1746 times)

Can processing load and display .swf files
« on: Nov 9th, 2004, 8:08pm »

I am making a project in flash and want to use the image manipulation abilities of processing.  I have tried making the entire interface in processing, but do not have the time needed to make it run smoothly, so am wondering if it is possible for me to create my interface in flash and display it through a processing window.  Also, at the same time, if it is possible to pass information out of that .swf into the processing language.  Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: Can processing load and display .swf files
« Reply #1 on: Nov 10th, 2004, 12:27pm »

hi there, before i'm answering your question would you please take a moment and think about the unnecessity of triple-posting your question! this forum has a pretty logical structure and people use it not just as exchange of ideas but also as reference for solving common problems. asking the same question in more than one place is creating clutter and makes discussions v.hard to follow. people usually will give you answers if they have any...
so with that out of the way, you have to understand that while processing is based on a relatively open architecture, flash isn't all and is more or less a closed box. you take it or leave it.
IMHO you'll have a much better chance to succeed with your project if you consider director as container for your flash interface. director too has powerful image manipulation features and can directly communicate and manipulate imported flash assets via its scripting language Lingo.


Re: Can processing load and display .swf files
« Reply #2 on: Nov 10th, 2004, 2:13pm »

there are ways to have processing (applet) and flash talk and maybe you can get BVideo (uses quicktime) to load and display your swf, but no way that you'll be able to build a flash-interface running inside a sketch. at least not with plain processing syntax. anyway this would mean much more work then implementing an interface inside processing itself ...
i heard somewhere flash 8 can do pixel manipulation, maybe there's a preview online somewhere, as much as i hate to point you in this direction ....
maybe you could describe what you are doing in flash and we help porting it to processing?? how's that?
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