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Topic: Sequencer (Read 683 times) |

« on: Sep 30th, 2004, 11:16pm » |
Here's a project, where sonia produce loops sequences with samples. http://ingallian.design.uqam.ca/goo/P55/Glitch/index.html (2500kb) I've tried to work on the sequencer, which is very primitive (sync with the framerate). It gives a cool effect, but I'm looking for a way to be more accurate. I don't know how sequencer programs are done, is it sync with a computer clock? Is there suggestions on how to build a sequencer matching with Sonia? Could we link P5 to a midi clock?
guillaume LaBelle

Re: Sequencer
« Reply #1 on: Sep 30th, 2004, 11:42pm » |
yeah, you could use either midi library or the osc library to control the tempo. it'd be nice to use another method though and keep it self-contained. i've been using millis() for some similar (but much simpler!) sonia projects. really nice work btw.

Re: Sequencer
« Reply #2 on: Oct 1st, 2004, 8:35pm » |
Thx bsr for the Hint. I've a new modified version using millis(). I'm still having gaps, but it's more coherent. For midi and Osc, I'm planning to come back on that later. I'm not too much familiar with midi. Is it simple to sync a framerate with a midiclock? Here's the modified project; http://ingallian.design.uqam.ca/goo/P55/GlitchV2/index.html
guillaume LaBelle

Re: Sequencer
« Reply #3 on: Oct 3rd, 2004, 1:39am » |
aah, the gaps you are getting are when the sequencer changes to a new random pattern there is still a slight gap but it doesn't sound bad and flows okay. i think the pause is because the operation when changing is choosing another random segment from the wav files - even though they're in memory it's probably quite processor intensive and might account for the gap - try with different sizes of wavs and see if there's much difference between large and small files - it may be better to create several random slices at the start so they're already in memory (rather than having these operations take place each time the code randomizes a new sequence - if that makes sense). if you try the midi library you'll need some software to route it internally between p5 and your sequencer which sends the midi clock, thread here: http://processing.org/discourse/yabb/board_Tools_action_display__num_1091823346.html you should be able to control everything using the clock signal, not tried it myself yet, i've only used outgoing midi data to trigger samples in external applications. midi clock specs: - http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/clock.htm - http://www.borg.com/~jglatt/tech/midispec/seq.htm
« Last Edit: Oct 3rd, 2004, 1:44am by bsr » |