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   Author  Topic: Blockhead!  (Read 1593 times)

Re: Blockhead!
« Reply #15 on: Sep 21st, 2004, 10:44pm »

Nice. Here are my suggestions / bug reports:
- The guy in the bottom-right is cool, but obstructs one of the blocks. Perhaps he could show up when it shows the "any key to start" and then slide further right when you start?
- Moves increases even when you pick up and set down blocks, as well as if you bump into a wall. These might be accidents, so counting them is a little frusterating.
- The timer keeps going down after you restart and while the help screen is up. (Could Help be a pause, basically?)
Now I've made it to "One Floor, Two Floors"... it just keeps going, wow!
Processing is fun.
As for doubling the size, if you simply stretch it, it will be blurry (obviously). I am a fan of the 2xSAI graphics filter which makes the sprites look almost as if they were designed in 2x... if you need to implement your own hack, I'd recommend using it. http://elektron.its.tudelft.nl/~dalikifa/
« Last Edit: Sep 21st, 2004, 10:54pm by rgovostes »  

marcello3d WWW
Re: Blockhead!
« Reply #16 on: Sep 22nd, 2004, 2:28am »

- He doesn't actually obstruct any blocks in any of the levels to make it a problem, though.  I'll try making him slightly semi-transparent in the next version.
- Yea, it shouldn't count bumping into walls, but up/down with a block should be counted.  After all, the number of moves just shows how badass you are, not an integral part of completing the level.
- This one I'm not sure on.  The timer is a bonus thing (changed label for next version to make it clearer), so it does not kill you if you run out of time, again it's a point thing that refers to how badass you are, and again won't affect your completion of a particular level.  As for help pausing the game, theoretically you shouldn't have to really read the help more than once or twice, and you can always restart the game to get the best times.  Pausing it would only let people solve the level in their minds without losing time...  Or something.
2xSAI is gonna be both a pain in the ass and slow (I've used it in a c implementation and it was far from impressive, speed-wise.  I implemented a simple hack into Processing that lets me blit the final AWT Image at the width/height of the applet.  Seems to work rather well actually.  I hope my suggestion can be implemented officially since it doesn't work when running inside processing, nor does it adjust mouse coordinates (not that that matters in this app).
Anyway, I'll upload the new version after I mess around with it a bit more...

marcello3d WWW
Re: Blockhead!
« Reply #17 on: Sep 22nd, 2004, 3:59am »

Told you I would.
2x version, and fixed glitch that made the first space level ub3r easy.

Re: Blockhead!
« Reply #18 on: Sep 22nd, 2004, 10:37pm »

Hm, the 2x version is very flickery.

marcello3d WWW
Re: Blockhead!
« Reply #19 on: Sep 22nd, 2004, 11:42pm »

Yea, for some reason MSVM doesn't like my drawImage(img,0,0,viewwidth,viewheight,null); call.  Works fine on Java 2...  Any ideas?

Re: Blockhead!
« Reply #20 on: Sep 23rd, 2004, 2:56am »

Yeah I upgraded and it works fine. Instead of doing drawImage(), is using System.arrayCopy (or whatever it is) from the picture's pixel array to the applet's any faster?
I think 2xSAI (and Eagle, etc.) work nicely, but they probably are slow, I suppose. I downloaded some of the code to implement it in Processing, but it's fairly messy, I'll have to come back to it another time.

marcello3d WWW
Re: Blockhead!
« Reply #21 on: Sep 23rd, 2004, 3:36am »

The applet doesn't have a pixel array... I'm replacing Processing's paint(Graphics g) { } function with my own.  Which takes the final image from the MemoryImageSource, and blits it to the screen using AWT Graphics.
For some reason it doesn't appear to be drawing the stretched version properly, so it's flickering like that.  I dunno offhand how to fix it (since it works in java 2, I must have the right code), but I'll look into it when I get a chance.

WWW Email
Re: Blockhead!
« Reply #22 on: Sep 23rd, 2004, 9:40pm »

Nice game. I like the fact that the little fella changes his outfit depending on the setting. Attention to detail like that always makes the difference.
The only thing I would change is, as rgovostes suggested, that the character turns round first when you move in the direction opposite to that he is facing. Apart from that it's perfect.

Markavian+iTX WWW
Re: Blockhead!
« Reply #23 on: Oct 13th, 2004, 5:53pm »

Hey, I managed to play up to Castle Walls on the 003 version, tons of levels! When I say I played up to - the Java window seemed to lock up, stopped responding to key strokes, couldn't reset it or anything :-\
A password feature would be great since I don't want to replay all the levels back up to that level.
I had a spare block left over on one of the later rock levels. And the level with the big 'pyramid' of blocks was dead easy if you walk over to the right handside and shift the blocks around the entrance... which I thought was a bit pointless since all the other levels you have to be super careful where you put all your blocks.
Not sure about the transparent overlay on the 005 version, looks a bit odd/distracting. I think more of a 'fad' then adding anything to the game.
Great job overall, thanks for the entertainment.
« Last Edit: Oct 13th, 2004, 5:54pm by Markavian »  
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