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Topic: asteroids revisited (Read 642 times) |

asteroids revisited
« on: Jan 24th, 2003, 1:39am » |
Sorry about the long-long code. I rewrote the code from a more object-oriented approach. Since I'm new to OOP and java I couldnt do firing. Any comments and object oriented firing code welcome. // Proto-Asteroids 0.1 OOP // Started by REAS // Acceleration by nashdj // Firing, deceleration by REAS // just tried to add a sample of one asteroid and the destruction of the ship, Anurag. /* Rewrote code from a more object-oriented approach. Since I'm new to OOP and java I couldnt do firing. Any comments and object oriented firing code welcome! */ // Mouse-based Asteroids, navigate by pressing the mouse // Fire with the 'space bar'. // fire asteriods and avoid them to avoid destruction. int life=1;long time;int cola;int cols;int gepx;int gepxx; int gepxy; int tfire = 10; float[] firex = new float[tfire]; float[] firey = new float[tfire]; float[] firea = new float[tfire]; float vfire;int nfire = 0; int slength = 15; int sheight = 10; asteroid[] ast = new asteroid[5]; ship gsh; int scrook = 7; Vector gameStack; class objectType { static final public int ASTEROID = 0; static final public int SHIP = 1; static final public int FIRE = 2; } class gameObject { int X; int Y; int Size; float speedX; float speedY; int type; boolean wrap = false; gameObject() { gameStack.add(this); } void remove() { gameStack.remove(this); } void update() { X +=speedX; Y +=speedY; if (wrap) { if (X > width+Size) X = -Size; if (X < 0-Size) X += width + Size; if (Y > height+Size) Y = -Size; if (Y < 0-Size) Y += height + Size; } collisionDetection(); draw(); } void draw() { } void collisionDetection() { for(int i=0;i<gameStack.size();i++) { gameObject target = (gameObject) gameStack.get(i); if ((abs(target.X - X) < (Size/2) + (target.Size/2) && abs(target.Y - Y) < (Size/2) + (target.Size/2)) && target != this) { println("collision type:"+ type + " type:" + target.type); } } } } class asteroid extends gameObject { asteroid(int pSize) { Size = pSize; wrap = true; type = objectType.ASTEROID; init(); } void init() { X = int(random(width)); Y = int(random(height)); while (abs(speedX * speedY)==0) { speedX = int(random( 8 )-4); speedY = int(random( 8 )-4); } } void draw() { fill(cola); stroke(255); ellipse(X,Y,Size,Size); } } class ship extends gameObject { float Vmax; float Acceleration; float Deceleration; float angle; ship() { wrap = true; X = width/2; Y = height/2; Acceleration = 2.0; Deceleration = 50.0; Vmax = 200; Size = 8; type = objectType.SHIP; } void update() { angle = atan2(mouseY-Y, mouseX-X); if (mousePressed) { if(sqrt(speedX*speedY) < Vmax) { speedX += cos(angle) * Acceleration; speedY += sin(angle) * Acceleration; } } else { if(abs(speedX) > .01) { speedX -= speedX/Deceleration; } if(abs(speedY) > .01) { speedY -= speedY/Deceleration; } } super.update(); } void draw() { push(); translate(X,Y); rotate(angle); fill(cols); stroke(244); beginShape(POLYGON); vertex(-slength, sheight); vertex(slength, 0); vertex(-slength,-sheight); vertex(-scrook, 0); endShape(); beginShape(POINTS); vertex(-slength, sheight); vertex(slength, 0); vertex(-slength,-sheight); vertex(-scrook, 0); endShape(); pop(); } } void setup(){ size(500, 500); background(0); noFill(); stroke(255); cola=color(0,100,100); cols=color(100,0,100); gameStack = new Vector(); for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { ast[i] = new asteroid(20); } gsh = new ship(); } void loop(){ gsh.update(); for (int i=0;i<5;i++) { ast[i].update(); } }
« Last Edit: Jan 24th, 2003, 1:41am by JimQode » |
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