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Topic: More Brownian Stuff (Read 994 times) |

More Brownian Stuff
« on: Jun 3rd, 2003, 11:00am » |
Hello, I've been trying figuring out classes, and I like them. So I re-made an old program using them. You can see it here -> http://gomako.co.uk/p5/brownies/ I added a bit so that you could clear areas of the screen for the 'brownies' to re-conquer. I thought it'd be relatively simple, but if you try and draw for a while, it starts doing all kinds of crazy stuff, then crahses with an 'ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception: -1' It highlights boofs[i].draw(); when it crashes. Here's the code... Code: // Mucking about with classes and brownies int w = 600; // width int h = 400; // height int numBoofs = 2000; // how many boofs - or brownies, whatever Boof[] boofs = new Boof[numBoofs]; // sets up array void setup() { size(w, h); noBackground(); ellipseMode(CENTER_RADIUS); myRefresh(); // creates the objects for(int i=0; i<numBoofs; i++) { boofs[i] = new Boof(); } } void loop() { for(int i=0; i<numBoofs; i++) { boofs[i].update(); boofs[i].draw(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// class Boof { int r = int(random(153,174)); int g = int(random(134,176)); int b = int(random(51,85)); int xpos = int(random(width)); int ypos = int(random(height)); void update() { stroke(r,g,b); xpos+=(int)random(-2,2); ypos+=(int)random(-2,2); if(ypos<0 || ypos>h) ypos = int(random(height)); if(xpos<0 || xpos>w) xpos = int(random(width)); } void draw() { point(xpos,ypos); } } void myRefresh(){ fill(230, 230, 200); rect(0,0,w,h); noFill(); } void mouseDragged(){ fill(230, 230, 200); noStroke(); ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,20,20); noFill(); } |
| Any ideas? I can't see what's going on. Is it something to do with me turning stroke/fill on and off al the time? Cheers, Ben.