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Topic: mac os 9 (Read 639 times) |
mac os 9
« on: Jul 25th, 2003, 11:45pm » |
mac os 9 is a huge time sink for a platform not supported by its vendor. i'm mulling dropping support for mac os 9, if only until we can get beta off the ground, so that we can focus on making beta happen. for instance, i've just lost a day fighting with getting a new compiler to work on macos9. this could have instead been spent on far more productive things for all the other platforms. the numbers for people downloading macos9 are declining (it's been 2:1 osx vs os9 for the last month, instead of 1:1 for previous months), though i realize that macos9 is an important platform for our intended audience.. casey's workshop last week in korea was half os9, half osx, for instance. the numbers for the last few weeks were ~500 downloads on windows (methinks some people are sharing the url! ) ~110 downloads for osx, ~55 downloads for macos9, and ~15 for linux. the numbers were interesting in part because it went from 60/40 pc/mac to 70/30 (c'mon mac guys, get it together!) any thoughts or input? are any of our heavy alpha testers still using os9? i really really don't want to drop macos9, even if just temporarily, but the time spent is really disproportionate to what we're getting out of it, at least until we can get beta finished.
Re: mac os 9
« Reply #1 on: Jul 27th, 2003, 1:18am » |
I stopped using P5 for OS 9 a few months ago, the same time as I switched to using X for most everything else. The reason I kept using it for 9 was 1 because it was 2x faster, and 2 because of the cool splash screen >;^) Does dropping support for OS9 mean that applets made in P5 will no longer work in OS 9? I still know a lot of people that still aren't using X. Even the design company I work at sometimes is still mostly 9. OKay so that's my 2c, I'm not using 9 anymore.
Re: mac os 9
« Reply #2 on: Jul 27th, 2003, 6:48pm » |
the exported applets woudl still work for os9, it's just that the actual environment for macos9 will be on hold until after the beta release (first week in september). and we hope to bring casey's cool splash screen to the other platforms. in general, i think we still need to do a macos9 version for 1.0, since there are still many design firms & schools who haven't made the switch, but right now we're under a crunch for getting the beta out over the next couple weeks so os9 may just go in the freezer for a short bit..
Re: mac os 9
« Reply #3 on: Jan 8th, 2004, 5:02am » |
this evening, casey and i decided to set macos9 free. we're letting him go. goodbye little classic mac os. basically, by the time we get around to supporting it, everyone's gonna be using osx, and we're super duper limited on how much we can do. so he's been put in the permanent (rather than temporary) freezer. that makes the platforms macosx, windows, and linux. and more specifically, the primary test platforms will be macosx 10.3, windows xp, redhat linux 9. exported applets will still run on macos9 (and java 1.1 in general, i.e. the old microsoft java vm).