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Topic: not overwriting html in applet? (Read 575 times) |

not overwriting html in applet?
« on: Jan 16th, 2004, 9:03am » |
This maybe something where I just did it wrong... I exported to web; I then edited the html file by hand, adding some additional information. Then (of course) I found some changes I wanted to make in the code, so I had to re-export, which overwrote my modified html page. My suggestion (there may be better ones) would be that when exporting to web, that if Processing sees an existing html page in the applet, that it leave it alone. -Kevin
Kevin Pfeiffer

Re: not overwriting html in applet?
« Reply #1 on: Jan 17th, 2004, 9:14am » |
this could be good - but Processing (and users who modify their html) would have to be aware which tags Processing could modify. For instance, Processing may have to change the Applet tag, should the size of the applet change from one export to the next. And it may have to change the links to source code, if the applet is renamed between exports.
Re: not overwriting html in applet?
« Reply #2 on: Jan 19th, 2004, 8:07pm » |
ok, beginning with the next release, p5 will have a short dialog box with export options, one option will be [ ] ok to overwrite html file or something like that. as for p5 knowing what tags to change, that's much more complicated and error-prone, so i think i'll try and just keep it simple.. the 'default' html template that is produced is modifiable in future releases as well, so hopefully that will cover 80-90% of what people want.
Re: not overwriting html in applet?
« Reply #3 on: Feb 3rd, 2004, 12:26am » |
and by next release, it won't be in 68, which is about to appear. i'd say it will be 69 but then i'll have to go and repost a bunch of messages if the big release gets pushed back further.
Re: not overwriting html in applet?
« Reply #4 on: Jul 7th, 2004, 5:22pm » |
final solution on this is that the html template can be modified per-sketch, but it's still gonna automatically overwrite index.html. most other solutions seem to create more problems than they solve. we'll just need to document that the 'applet' (also 'application', and 'library') folders are off-limits.