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Topic: Release 0057 is Vitamin Packed (Read 413 times) |
Release 0057 is Vitamin Packed
« on: Aug 5th, 2003, 6:11pm » |
windows is up there now, macosx will follow in a few minutes, and linux within the hour... ABOUT REV 0057 - 5 august 2003 [ additions ] - an all-new compiler (jikes) has been wired in by dan mosedale. this is super exciting, because of all the compiler trouble we've had in the past. thanks to ivrea for providing funding for dan. - a scrolling, selectable console has been implemented by dan haskovec, another of our ivrea-funded hackers. - context menu cut/copy/paste (right-click in the text area) also implemented by dan h. - saveBytes and saveStrings now implemented (and documented in the reference) - curveMode(int segments) and bezierMode(int segments) now implemented. these control the number of line segments used to draw a curve. the default has always been 20, but you now have the option to set it higher or lower. - there's also curveMode(int segments, float squishy) determines the squishiness when drawing catmull-rom curves. normally this is set to zero, but setting different values will produce more bubbley curves that don't necessarily connect all the points. - a new function has been added to calculate points along a bezier curve, rather than just drawing it. so for the old function: bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4); if you wanted to draw 10 segments along it: beginShape(LINE_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { float t = i / 10.0; // t should go from 0..1 along the curve float x = bezier(x1, x2, x3, x4, t); // get the x coordinate float y = bezier(y1, y2, y3, y4, t); // get the y coordinate vertex(x, y); } endShape(); this was also asked for/inquired about in the following bboard posts: http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/board_Proce55ing_Software__action_display_num_1053449577.html http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/board_Proce55ing_Software__action_display_num_1057393989.html the same syntax also works for curve() in addition to bezier(). - functions have been added to set the cursor, based on code contributed by amit pitaru (thanks amit!) usage is in the reference. http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/board_Proce55ing_Software__action_display_num_1059485109.html [ updates ] - 'export' now exports and links the .pde file instead of the .java file, and links that from the web page that is produced http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/board_Proce55ing_Software__action_display_num_1046250912.html - sound actually stops when the 'stop' button is hit. - video, net, and sound all work more than once, no longer requiring you to quit processing to run a video/net/sound example again. http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/board_Proce55ing_software__bugs_action_display_num_1055044714.html - syntax and examples for video have been sorted out. - modified millis() to always return useful values http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/board_Proce55ing_Software__action_display_num_1058465635.html - last-used serial port is saved when quitting the environment - changed more things from "Proce55ing" to "Processing", since the other naming was confusing lots of people. let us know if there are parts we've missed.
Re: Release 0057 is Vitamin Packed
« Reply #1 on: Aug 5th, 2003, 6:12pm » |
wow, the first release to require two separate posts because the updates were too long... [ bug fixes ] - long bezier curves are finally fixed - got rid of a semi-frequent ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when smooth() was enabled and images were involved [ known issues / bugs ] - 'export to application' remains unimplemented, though it's closer, and should be ready in 58 or 59. - 'preferences' will get better in a future release - the noise() functions were added, but don't yet work, they'll be fixed for 58. - macosx hangs randomly, though not consistently enough to figure out what's going on. - on some machines, presentation mode seems to have become unusable, this will be fixed in 58. - the horizontal scroller for the text area has some weirdness, this may not be fixed until after beta, depending on how bad it is. - using screenGrab() or saveBytes() or some of those things will cause trouble inside applets. in 58, we'll try to do better error trapping so that your applet doesn't crash when this happens. http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/board_Proce55ing_software__bugs_action_display_num_1059928189.html [ windows ] - windows uses java 1.4.2. in general, this is better, except for problems with generating some kinds of audio. if you're having audio trouble, then install java 1.4.1, and remove the 'java' folder from the processing distribution to use it. - differences between the 'expert' and normal releases for windows have been minimized significantly. as long as you have a jvm installed (1.4 strongly preferred), you may as well use the expert version. - serial port has been improved, and requires no additional installation steps, even for the 'exper't release. - slightly better processing.exe for windows - background of menus is no longer white, apparently it was a jvm problem, and it's fixed in 1.4.2. http://proce55ing.net/discourse/yabb/board_Proce55ing_software__bugs_action_display_num_1051303115.html [ mac os x ] - macosx updated to use java 1.4. similar to the pc, this is better but not always. if you're having trouble, check the instructions in readme.txt to see switch it back to 1.3 (which was the default for the previous release) - reference loading and opening the p5 site finally works - fixed the menus to make them more mac-like. added help menu, removed the extra 'quit' menu from 'file', etc. - the serial port has been ironed out, and requires no longer requires additional installation, although you do need to double-click the serial_setup.command script to set up some permissions (unless you've installed rxtx 2.1_6 already.. if you don't know what that means, run the script). more information in readme.txt. thanks to tom igoe for input and heckling to get this to work. [ mac os 9 ] - macos9 support is in the freezer until after beta. we still want to support macos9, but it was taking too much of our time as we're on a strict september deadline for the beta release. [ phew ] - that's a lotta stuff