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Topic: 0058 (Read 336 times) |

« on: Aug 6th, 2003, 2:19pm » |
hi, a couple of things 1. " - sound actually stops when the 'stop' button is hit." sound still doesn't stop unless i kill p5 (which also means killing the jvm). refer to mixer example by rocha. 2. " - check to see if quicktime for java is installed, if it isn't, then warn the user that it needs to happen." would it be possible for p5 to allow the user to still use p5 without having to (force the user to) have qt4java installed? thus, for p5 to just warn the user? 3. " - a scrolling, selectable console has been implemented by dan haskovec, another of our ivrea-funded hackers." can we adjust the line height? what's editor.console.lines in pde.properties for? 4. run.bat doesn't terminate properly 5. console always prints "could not delete blah blah" (referring to temporary files placed in lib) whenever i run programs that load external files. 6. flicker when sketch is clicked in present mode (refer to array2d example) 7. edit -> find in reference doesn't work 8. "- on some machines, presentation mode seems to have become unusable, this will be fixed in 58." also doesn't repaint properly when shifting from one app to another (alt-tab on win machines) ... will keep 'em coming. thanks, martin

Re: 0058
« Reply #2 on: Aug 6th, 2003, 4:51pm » |
few small os x issues (minor): " - reference loading and opening the p5 site finally works " edit > find in reference not working under OS X 10.2.6. seems the jump is dead. help > reference also has the same prob. both key command and menu link are dead. opening p5 site is working though. looking good - on to coding .... t
Re: 0058
« Reply #3 on: Aug 6th, 2003, 7:04pm » |
thanks a lot for the reports, guys.. i'll get these logged. for other reports (i'm locking this topic so it doesn't turn into "all the bugs for 58") please start a new topic for each bug or related groups of bugs (i.e. reference not working via right-click, menubar, lookup, on a plane, or on a train).. that way i can track the individual issues better.