How to get average pixel color around defined polygon

Any ideas on how to average the pixel colors found within a predefined boundary? For example, I'd be trying to achieve a kind of stained-glass effect on a bitmap image, given a grid pattern that I've already drawn in Processing.


  • edited November 2016 Answer ✓

    Here is an algorithm for getting the average color of a PImage that was previously posted to the forums:

    color getAverageColor(PImage img) {
      int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
      for (int i=0; i<img.pixels.length; i++) {
        color c = img.pixels[i];
        r += c>>16&0xFF;
        g += c>>8&0xFF;
        b += c&0xFF;
      r /= img.pixels.length;
      g /= img.pixels.length;
      b /= img.pixels.length;
      return color(r, g, b);

    Here is one approach to extend this to polygons or arbitrary patterns:

    Step 1. Adapt this function to take two images -- an image, and a mask.

    color getAverageColor(PImage img, PImage mask) { }

    The image and the mask are the same size. If the mask pixel is white, include the image pixel color in the average. If not, skip the image pixel.

    Step 2. Then you need a second function, setAverageColor:

    void setAverageColor(PImage img, PImage mask) {
       color c = getAverageColor(img, mask);
       // now loop through and if mask pixel is white change img pixel to c

    Now you just have to draw masks (stained glass, whatever) and then use setAverageColor(img,mask) to apply them to your image as color regions.

  • This worked splendidly, thanks jeremy!

  • Very glad to hear it, @cicero38cicero38 .

    Do share the demo sketch (and / or upload an image of the output) if you want others to see how your stained glass worked out. I know I'm curious!

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