Using createVector() on a class error. what should the right order be?

I got this sketch : and I want to have a point class, that draws the point using a vector.

But i get an error in the codepen console and it doesnt draw the point on the screen: Did you just try to use p5.js's createVector() function? If so, you may want to move it into your sketch's setup() function

But.. the createVector function is and i think it should stay on my point class...

Any idea where's the problem?

Thanks :)


  • edited August 2016


    <script async src=></script>
    <script src=PointClass.js></script>


     * Point Class (v2.0.2)
     * by GiorgioMartini (2016/Aug/14)
     * mod GoToLoop
     * using-createvector-on-a-class-error-
     * what-should-the-right-order-be#Item_1
    "use strict";
    let pt;
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(300, 200);
      strokeWeight(min(width, height) >> 1);
      pt = new Point;
    function draw() {  
      background(0).translate(width>>1, height>>1);
    class Point {
      constructor(x, y) {
        this.pos = createVector(x, y);
      display() {
        point(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);
  • @giorgiomartini 'point' is a global variable defined by p5; so you have to name your point instance something else; or use instance mode (recommended).

  • edited August 2016
    • @blindfish, not only that, but he's also declared variable point locally inside setup():

    function setup() {
      createCanvas(600, 600);
      let point = new Point(0, 0);
    • Instead it shoulda been declared globally and just assigned a new Point to it in setup():

    let point;
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(600, 600);
      point = new Point(0, 0);
    • However, after declaring a global variable called point, the original window.point() would be overshadowed by it.
    • Although he could still access the p5js' original function inside Point's display() method (and anywhere else) this way: window.point(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);
    • Of course the ideal would be to have that global variable w/ some diff. name, for example pt, in order to avoid overshadowing window.point(). *-:)
  • Of course the ideal would be to have that global variable w/ some diff. name, for example pt, in order to avoid overshadowing window.point().

    You know that my opinion is that the ideal would be for point() NOT to be a global variable :P

  • edited January 2017 Answer ✓

    OK, in order to prove your "point" about under "instance mode" we can freely create global variables w/ the same name as p5.js' API, the sketch is using it now. :-\"

    Although I don't like to use Processing's API as variable & method names at all, in order to avoid confusion and erroneous posted code's color highlighting. 3:-O


    <script defer src=></script>
    <script defer src=PointClass.js></script>


     * Point Class (v3.1)
     * by GiorgioMartini (2016/Aug/14)
     * mod GoToLoop
     * using-createvector-on-a-class-error-
     * what-should-the-right-order-be#Item_5
    "use strict";
    class Point {
      constructor(p, x, y) {
        this.pos = (this.p = p).createVector(x, y);
      display() {
        this.p.point(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);
    new p5(p => {
      const point = new Point(p);
      p.setup = () => {
        p.createCanvas(300, 200);
        p.strokeWeight(p.min(p.width, p.height) >> 1);
      p.draw = () => {
        p.background(0).translate(p.width>>1, p.height>>1);
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