Error PGraphics 3D using Syphon

edited April 2016 in Library Questions

I'm using Syphon ibrary in processing 2.2.1 and i get always the same error :

"ClassCastException: processing.core.PGraphics3D cannot be cast to processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL"

Any help please????

/* OpenProcessing Tweak of *@**@* */
/* !do not delete the line above, required for linking your tweak if you upload again */

      //                        //
      //        doodle 3        //
      //                        //

      // (c) Martin Schneider 2009
      import codeanticode.syphon.*;
      PGraphics canvas;
    SyphonServer server;

    int n = 1000;
    int maxage = 20;
    int rdodge = 30;
    int opacity = 40;
    float speed = .2;
    float zoom = .01;
    boolean crayons, soft, dodge = true;

    float[][] a = new float[n][2];
    int[] age = new int[n];
    float w, h, s;
    int t, c;

    void setup() {
      size(500, 500,P3D);
      canvas = createGraphics(500, 500, P3D);
        // Create syhpon server to send frames out.
    server = new SyphonServer(this, "Processing Syphon");
      w = width/2;
      h = height/2;
      colorMode(HSB, TWO_PI, 2, 1);


    void draw() {
      // create new particles
      int np = n / maxage;
      for(int i=0; i<np & c<n; i++, c++) newp(c);
      // draw particle traces
      for(int i=0; i<c; i++) {
        float[] p = a[i];
        if (age[i] > maxage) newp(i);
        else {
          float[] f = f(p[0], p[1]);     
          // opacity based on speed (soft mode) or age (hard mode) 
          int m = maxage/2;
          float o = soft ? mag(f[0], f[1]) * 2 * opacity : (m - abs(m - age[i])) * opacity/m;
          // hue based on direction
          float h =  atan2(f[0], f[1]) + PI;   
          canvas.stroke(h, crayons ? 1 : 0, crayons ? 1 : 0, o); 
          // draw line while updating position
          canvas.line(p[0], p[1], p[0] += s*f[0],  p[1] += s*f[1]);
      image(canvas, 0, 0);

    // noise based flow field
    float[] f(float x, float y) {;
      return new float[] {
        noise(t, x * zoom, y * zoom)-.5,
        noise(t+1, x * zoom, y * zoom) - .5

    void newp(int p) {
      if(dodge) { 
        // particle inside a circle around the mouse position
        float r = random(rdodge), ang = random(TWO_PI);
        a[p] = new float[] { mouseX + r * cos(ang), mouseY + r *sin(ang) };  
      } else {  
        // particle anywhere on screen
        a[p] = new float[] { random(width), random(height) };
      age[p] = 0;

    void reset() {
      canvas.background(crayons ? 0 : #ffffff);
      s = speed / zoom;
      c = 0;

    void keyPressed() { 
      switch(key) {
        case 's' : soft = !soft; break;
        case 'd' : dodge = !dodge; break;
        case 'f' : t++; break;
        case 'c' : crayons = !crayons; break;
        case '+' : zoom /= 1.1; break;
        case '-' : zoom *= 1.1; break;
        case ' ' : break;
        default: return;


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