How to setup Processing for Android to receive and send Serial communication over bluetooth ?

edited January 2016 in Android Mode

How to setup Processing for Android to receive and send Serial communication over bluetooth ? I want to have a serial communication between Arduino and Processing sketch running on my Nexus phone. Processing IDE ver 3.0.b6 Android SDK API: 5.1.1 .


  • I'm following this tutorial.. and till now I've had no problem till( Actually had one but solved it with an import -- actually by following thread here in the forum only).. Android/Processing Sketch 4: DiscoverBluetooth section.. I'm getting two errors(Attached in the picture)..

    After looking around it seems people had no problems from Eclipse.. But I want to stick to the IDE..

    Can anyone help?

  • edited January 2016 Answer ✓


    -your tutorial is for processing2: you are with P3, so you are in a fragment extending PApplet; you have to modify your code according to the fragment class...

    • or you can use ketai lib for bluetooth if it has been updated for P3

    • or use P2!

  • I was hoping to use Ketai for Bluetooth Serial .. But I don't know how to do that .. can you show me a simple example @akenaton ? I'm using HC-06 and Arduino Uno from Hardware side. So you can use just some pseudo MAC address for the Bluetooth module..

  • Answer ✓

    hello, I tried this method and it works: and recalls in "sketch permission" to check the two lines bluetooth

  • I'll take a look here .. Thanks @camperos

  • Yes It works. Thanks . But I first upgraded the Android mode on the Processing and also is now using ver 3.0.1.. Don't forget the sketch permissions (It's also commented in code as well to not forget)

  • SO Now I'm able to communicate as an example I was testing send send potentiometer readings from Arduino to Processing in App.. This is the part of the Arduino Loop where it's sending the data to Serial.

    void loop() { doAverage(trimPotPin); mappedVal = map(average, trimPotMin, trimPotMax, 0, 255); //Send data only if the values have changed. if (mappedVal != prevVal) { mySerial.println(mappedVal); } prevVal = mappedVal; delay(10); }

    Full Arduino Code

    And here's my Processing code:

    I was imagining it to be set at the given position of text and the value changing in time when I rotate my pot, but instead it keeps jumping and it seems the data is longer shorter(I don't know why does it appear on the app below each other)

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