Sequential Problem

edited July 2015 in Questions about Code

Hi guys. I am working on a small game where clicking groups of matching bubbles has them all pop. I have encountered a problem with my method in bubble.check() due to the fact that the bubble is killed when it checks one side so if the bubble you click has neighbors on both sides it only checks one side (Goes through the try catch statements sequentially so once one matches the others don't work due to the bubble not existing). Removing the this.killBubble() from the try catches causes the sketch to crash. Does anyone see a work-around of this method?

//Variables for drawing bubbles
int bubbleDiameter = 25;
int bubbleOffset = bubbleDiameter/2 + 10;

//Colors set to names for readability
color blue = color(0, 204, 251);
color red = color(254, 42, 2);
color green = color(47, 252, 25);
color yellow = color(254, 236, 76);
color pink = color(250, 1, 138);

//Arrays conataining properties of each bubble
int bubbleColor[][] = new int[20][25]; //Contains an int corresponding to the bubble's color
boolean bubbleHover[][] = new boolean[20][25]; //When mouse is hovering above bubble this is true
Bubble bubble[][] = new Bubble[20][25];

void setup() {

  size(520, 700); //Create window
  for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < 25; y++) {
      bubble[x][y] = new Bubble(x, y);



void draw() {
  background(192, 192, 255);


  for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < 25; y++) {  


class Bubble {

  boolean living;
  int xPos;
  int yPos;
  int col;

  //Bubble class

  //Constructor for bubble
  public Bubble(int x, int y) { = true; //State of bubble
    this.xPos = x; //Gives the x position of the bubble in the array
    this.yPos= y; //Gives the y position of the bubble in the array
    this.col = bubbleColor[x][y]; //Sets color value to that in the array generated by colorGen()

  void killBubble() { = false;
    this.col = 5;

  void check(boolean b) {

  void check() {
    boolean n = false;
    try {
      if (bubble[this.xPos+1][this.yPos].living) {
        if(this.col == bubble[this.xPos+1][this.yPos].col) {
      if (bubble[this.xPos-1][this.yPos].living) {
        if(this.col == bubble[this.xPos-1][this.yPos].col) {
      if (bubble[this.xPos][this.yPos+1].living) {
        if(this.col == bubble[this.xPos][this.yPos+1].col) {
      if (bubble[this.xPos][this.yPos-1].living) {
        if(this.col == bubble[this.xPos][this.yPos-1].col) {

    catch(Exception border) {

  void drawBubble() {
    if( {
      //Colors bubble based on color value from array
      if(this.col == 0) {
      else if(this.col == 1) {
      else if(this.col == 2) {
      else if(this.col == 3) {
      else if(this.col == 4) {
      //Draws bubble in grid
      ellipse(bubbleOffset + xPos*bubbleDiameter, bubbleOffset + yPos*bubbleDiameter, bubbleDiameter, bubbleDiameter);

//Runs when mouse is clicked
void mouseClicked() {
  for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < 25; y++) { 
      if(bubbleHover[x][y] == true) { //Checks which bubble the mouse is over when clicked
        try {
        catch(Exception e) {}

//Checks if mouseX and mouseY fall within a certain bubble's area
void checkHover() {
  for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < 25; y++) { 
      if(mouseX > bubbleOffset + x*bubbleDiameter - bubbleDiameter/2 && mouseX < bubbleOffset + x*bubbleDiameter + bubbleDiameter/2 
        && mouseY > bubbleOffset + y*bubbleDiameter - bubbleDiameter/2 && mouseY < bubbleOffset + y*bubbleDiameter + bubbleDiameter/2) {

        bubbleHover[x][y] = true; //Sets hover to true if locations intersect
      else {
        bubbleHover[x][y] = false; //Sets hover to false if there is no intersection

//Generates random colors and assigns them to positions in an array
void colorGen() {
  for(int x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < 25; y++) {
      bubbleColor[x][y] = floor(random(5));

//Creates score box
void scoreBar() {
  text("Score:", 10, 675); 
  text("Time:", width/2, 675);


  • @TfGuy44 Though that is the same challenge I was wondering if there was any way to make the method I started work instead of using her method.

  • Answer ✓

    Haven't looked at the linked code, but couldn't you have an additional state for a bubble? Being poetic I might call it 'limbo', or more sensibly 'outgoing'. Change the state to this when it's clicked, and check against both living and limbo states in check().

    You'd then have to set bubbles in limbo to dead at an appropriate time. Haven't studied or run the code in detail but would assume this would be after a bubble bursting sequence had completed..

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