Neuroevolution simulation (Neural network and genetic algorithm)

edited October 2017 in Share Your Work

here we go, following up my previous post ( i finally managed to write a fully functional multilayer perceptron to give my creatures their very own brain. it's a simple simulation, brains are randomly generated, creatures have 4 inputs, they triangulate the distance of the closest food with body and antennas, they can also perceive their health levels. creatures will die for starvation (change color from red to white) and overeating (from red to black), so over time they will learn that they need food to survive, how to seek it and to balance food consumption. outputs are: rotate right, rotate left, move forward, speed value. Click on a creature to display its brain.

the code is extensively commented, but for a better comprehension i suggest you to read it in the following order: Connection class, Neuron class, Layer class, Neural Network class, Eater/food class, World class, Main Tab (NeuroEvolution V3).

gitHub repo: Hope you enjoy it, prepare for some code:


  • edited October 2017
    Neuroevolution simulation
     created by Marco Perozziello  22/10/2017
     Credits to Daniel Shiffman from "The coding train" for his lessons
     5 moths ago i din't even knew how to draw a circle, he's done the rest.
     Credists to ScottC who created the Neural Net design that i've rearranged for my project.
     i'll refer to his blog for detailed explanation of his Neural Network
     Also credits to the Processing community for helping me by answering all my noobish questions on the forum :)
    World world;
    int time;
    int generation;
    int longestGeneration;
    float oldestEater;
    int bestGen;
    int numE;
    int numF;
    void setup() {
      //  fullScreen();
      size(1280, 800);
      numE = 30;
      numF = 50;
      time = 0;
      generation = 0;
      longestGeneration = 0;
      oldestEater = 0;
      bestGen = 0;
      world = new World(numE, numF);
    void draw() {
      if (world.eatersClones.size() < numE) {;
        time += 1;
      } else {
        if (time > longestGeneration) longestGeneration = time;
        if (world.getEatersMaxFitness() > oldestEater) {
          oldestEater = world.getEatersMaxFitness();
          bestGen = generation;
        time = 0;
        int r = world.eatersClones.get(0).r;
        for (int i=0; i < numF; i++) {                            
          world.foods.add(new Food(random(r+r/2, width-(r+r/2)), random(r+r/2, height-(r+r/2))));    //initialize food for the next gen
      fill(0);                                                               // display some stats
      text("Generation #: " + (generation), 10, 18);
      text("Lifetime: " + (time), 10, 36);
      text("living Eaters: " + world.eaters.size(), 10, 54);
      text("Longest gen: " + longestGeneration, 10, 72);
      text("Oldest Eater: gen" +bestGen + " - " + oldestEater, 10, 90);
      if (mouseButton == LEFT) {
        for (int i = 0; i < world.eaters.size(); i++) {       // show brain structure and activity when you click on a creature
          if (mouseX >  world.eaters.get(i).position.x - world.eaters.get(i).r*2 && mouseX < world.eaters.get(i).position.x + world.eaters.get(i).r*2 && mouseY > world.eaters.get(i).position.y - world.eaters.get(i).r*2 && mouseY < world.eaters.get(i).position.y + world.eaters.get(i).r*2) {
            for (int j = 0; j < world.eaters.size(); j++) {
              world.eaters.get(j).displayBrain = false;
            world.eaters.get(i).displayBrain = !world.eaters.get(i).displayBrain;
  • class Connection {
      float connEntry;           //raw input
      float weight;              //connection weight (-1 to 1)
      float connExit;            //processed output (raw * weight)
      Connection() {                       //This is the default constructor for an Connection
      Connection(float tempWeight) {       //A custom weight for this Connection constructor
      void setWeight(float tempWeight) {   //Function to set the weight of this connection
        weight = constrain(weight, -1, 1);
      void randomiseWeight() {             //Function to randomise the weight of this connection
        setWeight(random(-1, 1));
      float getWeight() {                   //function to get the weight of the connection
        return weight;
      float calcConnExit(float tempInput) {  //function to process the input
        connEntry = tempInput;
        connExit = connEntry * weight;
        return connExit;
  • edited October 2017
    class Eater {
      NeuralNetwork NN = new NeuralNetwork();
      float[] myInputs = {};
      PVector position;
      PVector velocity;
      PVector leftAntennaPos;
      PVector rightAntennaPos;
      int r;                   //radius of the creature
      float antennaLength;     //lenght of the antennas
      float antennaRadius;     //radius of the antennas 
      float age;               //age in this simulation represent the fitness of the creatures.
      float health;            //health value
      float maxHealth;         //health cap
      float speed;             
      float maxSpeed;
      float theta;             //angle of rotation
      float rotationSpeed;     //speed of rotation
      float maxForce;          
      boolean stucked;
      boolean displayBrain;
      Eater(float x, float y, NeuralNetwork NN_) {
        NN = NN_;                  //to initialize the neural network you have to decide how many layer it will have and how many neurons each layer will have
        NN.addLayer(4, 5);         //first layer we add determines the number of input neurons (4 in this case) and the number of neurons of the first hidden layer (5)
        NN.addLayer(5, 4);         //every subsequent layer defines how many connection it has (5) and the number of neurons in the layer (4)
        //since the outputs of a layer become the inputs of the next one...
        //...the number of connections MUST equal the number of neurons of the previous layer
        //the last layer you add determines how many outputs neuron you will have (4 in the example)
        //the constructor i used will initialize a neural net made of: 4 inputs, 1 hidden layer (with 5 neurons), and 4 outputs
        //you can keep adding as many layers and neurons you want, just be sure to check connections or you'll get an error.
        position = new PVector(x, y);    
        velocity = new PVector(0, 0);
        leftAntennaPos = new PVector(0, 0);
        rightAntennaPos = new PVector(0, 0);
        r = 20;
        antennaLength = r;
        antennaRadius = r/4;
        age = 0;
        maxHealth = 200;
        health = maxHealth/2;  
        speed = 0;
        maxSpeed = 4;
        maxForce = 0.5;
        theta = 0;
        rotationSpeed = 2;
        stucked = false;
        displayBrain = false;
      void run() {    
        float healthLoss = map(speed, 0, maxSpeed, 0, maxSpeed*0.1);    //healthLoss depends on actual speed, the faster we move the more we consume.
        if (healthLoss < 0.2) healthLoss = 0.2;                         
        health -= healthLoss;
        if (displayBrain) displayNeuralNet();
      void seek() {
        float newFoodDistance = 10000;                                  // initialize the food distance to a vey high value to avoid getting stuck with disappeared targets
        PVector closestFood = new PVector (random(0, 1), random(0, 1));
        ArrayList<Food> foods = world.getFood();                        // get the distance of every plant in the world
        for (int j = foods.size()-1; j >= 0; j--) {                     // since plants will be removed when eaten, we have to check the arraylist backwards to avoid skipping some of them
          PVector foodPosition = foods.get(j).position;
          float foodDistance = PVector.dist(position, foodPosition);
          if (foodDistance < newFoodDistance) {                      
            newFoodDistance = foodDistance;
            closestFood = foodPosition;
          if (foodDistance < r/2) {                  // if we reach a plant         
            foods.remove(j);                         // remove it from the world
            health += 35;                            // enjoy the meal
        myInputs = new float[0];                                                      //reset inputs array
        //we will tringulate the position of the closest food source by using 3 neurons
        float leftAntennaDistance = PVector.dist(leftAntennaPos, closestFood);        //calculate food distance from left antenna
        myInputs = (float[]) append(myInputs, leftAntennaDistance);                   //set first input neuron
        float rightAntennaDistance = PVector.dist(leftAntennaPos, closestFood);       //calculate food distance from right antenna
        myInputs = (float[]) append(myInputs, rightAntennaDistance);                  //set second input neuron
        float bodyDistance = PVector.dist(position, closestFood);                     //calculate food distance from the body
        myInputs = (float[]) append(myInputs, bodyDistance);                          //set the third input neuron
        float hunger = map(health, 0, maxHealth, -10, 10);                            //the forth one is the "hunger" neuron, it maps current health...
        myInputs = (float[]) append(myInputs, hunger);                                //and inputs a negative value if below "maxHealth/2" or a positive one if above it.
        //that way the creature can "feel" hunger and fullness
        NN.processInputsToOutputs(myInputs);                                          //once we've set the inputs we process them
        //some neurons will be used as binary actuators, if they output > than 0.0 we will take it as a "yes"
        if (NN.arrayOfOutputs[0] > 0.0) theta += radians(rotationSpeed);              //if first output is > 0 rotate right
        if (NN.arrayOfOutputs[1] > 0.0) theta -= radians(rotationSpeed);              //if the second output is > 0 rotate left
        speed = map(NN.arrayOfOutputs[2], -1, 1, 0, maxSpeed);                        //third output is the "Thruster potentiometer" it gets mapped to determine speed value
    //    checkCollision();                                                             //check if we're about to collide with other eaters
        if (NN.arrayOfOutputs[3] > 0.0 && stucked == false) {                         //4rth output is the "Thruster" if it output > 0 we move forward based on speed and heading
          velocity.x = speed*cos(theta);                                              //this modify vel.x and vel.y
          velocity.y = speed*sin(theta);                                              //based ont the actual angle
      void checkCollision() {
        int touchedEaters = 0;
        for (int i=0; i < world.eaters.size(); i++) {                    //check eaters array
          float minDist = (r/2) + (world.eaters.get(i).r/2);             //calculate minimumdistance based on eaters radius
          PVector eaterPos = world.eaters.get(i).position.copy();        //get eater position
          PVector eaterVel = world.eaters.get(i).velocity.copy();        //get eater velocity
          PVector eaterFuturePos = PVector.add(eaterPos, eaterVel);      //forecast eater future position
          PVector futurePos = PVector.add(position, velocity);           //forecast your future position
          float d = PVector.dist(futurePos, eaterFuturePos);                   //check if your movement will exceed minDist
          if (d < minDist && d > 0.1) {     //keep track of "future" touched eaters till the end of the array
            touchedEaters ++;               //d > 0.1 is there to avoid considering ourselves "another" eater
        if (touchedEaters > 0) {    //if we will touch something
          stucked = true;        //get stucked
        } else {              
          stucked = false;
      boolean dead() {                                    // defines death conditions
        if (health < 0.0 || health > maxHealth) {         // creatures will die if their health gets to 0 or if it reaches maxHealth treshold (starving and overeating)
          return true;
        } else {
          return false;
      void borders() {                                            //function to make edge borders
        position.x=constrain(position.x, r+r/2, width-r+r/2);     //limit position vector to screen size
        position.y=constrain(position.y, r+r/2, height-r+r/2);
      void wrapAround() {                                         //make edges continuos
        if (position.x < -r) position.x = width+r;                //wrap borders
        if (position.y < -r) position.y = height+r;
        if (position.x > width+r) position.x = -r;
        if (position.y > height+r) position.y = -r;
      void display() {
        float colour = 0;
        if (health < maxHealth/2) {                                //color of the creature changes based on it's health value
          colour = map(health, 0, maxHealth/2, 255, 0);            //an healty creature will show a red color (healty is between 0 and maxHealth)
          fill(255, colour, colour);                               //if it starves the color will fade to white
        } else {
          colour = map(health, maxHealth/2, maxHealth, 255, 0);    //if it eats too much the color will darken to black
          fill(colour, 0, 0);
        translate(position.x, position.y);
        line(0, 0, r, -r/2);                 //left antenna 
        ellipse(r, -r/2, r/3, r/3);
        leftAntennaPos.x = screenX(r, -r/2);
        leftAntennaPos.y = screenY(r, -r/2);
        line(0, 0, r, r/2);                  //right antenna
        ellipse(r, r/2, r/3, r/3);
        rightAntennaPos.x = screenX(r, r/2);
        rightAntennaPos.y = screenY(r, r/2);
        ellipse(0, 0, r, r);                 //body of the creature
      void displayNeuralNet() {                  //Function to display brain structure and activity, it automatically adapt dimensions to brain structure
        //click on a creature to display it
        float brainBoxWidth = width/4;                                      
        float brainBoxHeight = height/4;
        fill(255, 175);
        rect(width-brainBoxWidth, 0, brainBoxWidth, brainBoxHeight);
        float r = 0;                                                         //radius of the neurons
        int biggestLayer = NN.layers[0].neurons[0].getConnectionCount();     //find which layer has more neurons (initialize with input layer size)
        int networkDepth = NN.getLayerCount()+1;                             //how many layer there are  (+1 is for the input layer)
        for (int i = 0; i < NN.getLayerCount(); i++) {                        //find which layer has more neurons
          if (NN.layers[i].getNeuronCount() > biggestLayer) biggestLayer = NN.layers[i].getNeuronCount();
        float maxYdistance = (brainBoxHeight/biggestLayer+1);                  //define how much space you will have vertically and horizontally
        float maxXdistance = (brainBoxWidth/networkDepth+1);
        if (maxYdistance > maxXdistance) r = maxYdistance/5;                   //the smaller one determine radius of the neurons
        else                             r = maxXdistance/4;
        float xOffset = (brainBoxWidth/(networkDepth+1));                      // distance between layers
        float xPosition = width-xOffset; 
        for (int i = NN.getLayerCount()-1; i >= 0; i--) {                      // starting from the last layer we draw the network backward
          // we do it so because of the way we store weights and bias
          float nextYposition = 0;                                           
          float nextYoffset = 0;
          int connections = 0;
          float yOffset = brainBoxHeight/(NN.layers[i].getNeuronCount()+1);   //distance between neurons of the same layer
          float yPosition = yOffset;                                          //y position of the neuron
          ArrayList<Float> tempWeights = new ArrayList<Float>();              //since the weights array contains biases we will need to remove them
          float[] layerWeights = NN.layers[i].getWeights();                   //removing object is easier with arraylist so we first get a copy of the layerWeights array
          for (int n = 0; n < layerWeights.length; n++) {                     //and we then clone it into an arraylist
          for (int j = 0; j < NN.layers[i].getNeuronCount(); j++) {                           //for every neuron of the layer...
            if (i > 0) {
              nextYoffset = brainBoxHeight/(NN.layers[i-1].getNeuronCount()+1);               //calculate yposition of the next layers neurons
              connections = NN.layers[i-1].getNeuronCount();                                  //check how many connection we have to make with the next layer
            } else {     
              nextYoffset = brainBoxHeight/(NN.layers[0].neurons[0].getConnectionCount()+1);  //if we are at the last layer (layer[0] since we are going backward)
              connections = NN.layers[0].neurons[0].getConnectionCount();                     //we use its connections to draw the input layer
            nextYposition = nextYoffset;                                          
            for (int k = 0; k < connections; k++) {                      //finally we draw the connections
              float tempStrokeWeight = 0;                                //strokeweight and color depend on the connection weight
              if (tempWeights.get(0) < 0.0) {                            //if the connection has a negative weight
                tempStrokeWeight = (1+ tempWeights.get(0)*-1.5);         //we draw it as it was positive
                stroke(255, 0, 0);                                       //but we draw it in red
              } else {
                tempStrokeWeight = (1+ tempWeights.get(0)*1.5);
                stroke(0);                                               //positive connections are drawn in black
              float nextXposition = xPosition - xOffset;                 //keep track of the x offset
              strokeWeight(tempStrokeWeight);                            //set strokeweight
              line(xPosition, yPosition, nextXposition, nextYposition);  //draw the connection
              nextYposition += nextYoffset;                              //point at the next neuron
              tempWeights.remove(0);                                     //remove the used weight from the arraylist
            if (i == NN.getLayerCount()-1) {                             //output neurons change based on their activity
              if (NN.arrayOfOutputs[j] > 0.0) fill(0);                   //black = active
              else                            fill(255);                 //white = inactive
            } else {
              float tempColor = 0;                                         //neuron color depends on its bias
              if (tempWeights.get(0) > 0.0) {                              //if bias is positive color goes from white to black (0 to 1)
                tempColor = map(tempWeights.get(0), 0, 1, 255, 0);        
              } else {                                                       //if bias is negative color goes from white to red (0 to -1)
                tempColor = map(tempWeights.get(0), -1, 0, 0, 255);
                fill(255, tempColor, tempColor);
            ellipse(xPosition, yPosition, r, r);                         //once every connections has been drawn, we draw the neuron
            yPosition += yOffset;                                        //we move down a neuron
            tempWeights.remove(0);                                       //we remove the neuron bias from the weights arraylist
          tempWeights.clear();                                           //once we've finished drawing a layer we clear the weights array
          xPosition -= xOffset;                                          //and we advance to the next x position
          if (i == 0) {                                                                 //once we've finished with the layer 0
            xPosition = (width-brainBoxWidth)+xOffset;                                  //reset position X and y
            yOffset = brainBoxHeight/(NN.layers[0].neurons[0].getConnectionCount()+1);  //calculate yOffset based on the inputs num
            yPosition = yOffset;
            for (int m = 0; m < NN.layers[0].neurons[0].getConnectionCount(); m++) {    //draw input neurons with different color
              fill(255, 175, 0);                                             
              ellipse(xPosition, yPosition, r, r);
              yPosition += yOffset;
  • class Food {                    //not much to say about that
      PVector position;
      Food(float x, float y) {
        position = new PVector(x, y);
      void run() {
      void display() {
        fill(200, 200, 0);
        ellipse(position.x, position.y, 10, 10);
  • class Layer {
      Neuron[] neurons = {};
      float[] layerWeights = {};
      float[] layerInputs = {};
      float[] layerOutputs = {};
      Layer(int ConnectionNum, int NeuronNum) {
        for (int i = 0; i < NeuronNum; i++) {
          Neuron tempNeuron = new Neuron(ConnectionNum);                        //create neuron
          addNeuron(tempNeuron);                                                //add it to the neuron array
          addLayerOutputs();                                                    //add an output for every neuron int the layer
          for (int j = 0; j < tempNeuron.connectionWeights.length; j++) {        //for every neuron retrive weights and bias
            layerWeights = (float[]) append(layerWeights, tempNeuron.connectionWeights[j]);
      void addNeuron(Neuron xNeuron) {                 //Function to add an input or output Neuron to this Layer
        neurons = (Neuron[]) append(neurons, xNeuron);
      int getNeuronCount() {                            //Function to get the number of neurons in this layer
        return neurons.length;
      float[] getWeights() {                             //Function to get Weights and biases of the whole layer
        return layerWeights;
      void addLayerOutputs() {                          //Function to increment the size of the actualOUTPUTs array by one.
        layerOutputs = (float[]) expand(layerOutputs, (layerOutputs.length+1));
      void setWeights(float[] tempWeights) {            //function to set weights and bias for every neuron of the layer
        layerWeights = new float[0];                    //first we clear the layerWeights array
        for (int i= 0; i < tempWeights.length; i++) {                                                         //for every value of the temporary array...
          for (int j = 0; j < getNeuronCount(); j++) {                                                        //for every neuron of the layer...   
            neurons[j].connectionWeights = new float[0];                                                      //we clear the neuron Weights array
            for (int k = 0; k < neurons[j].getConnectionCount(); k++) {                                       //for every connection of the neuron...
              neurons[j].connections[k].setWeight(tempWeights[i]);                                            //set the connection weights
              layerWeights = (float[]) append(layerWeights, tempWeights[i]);                                  //move the value into the layer weights array
              neurons[j].connectionWeights = (float[]) append(neurons[j].connectionWeights, tempWeights[i]);  //move the value into the neuron weights array
              i++;                                                                                            // "i" must advance since the value has been already set
            neurons[j].setBias(tempWeights[i]);                                                               //once we've finished with the connection we set the neuron bias      
            layerWeights = (float[]) append(layerWeights, tempWeights[i]);                                    //and move value to the layer weights array
            neurons[j].connectionWeights = (float[]) append(neurons[j].connectionWeights, tempWeights[i]);    //aswell to the neuron weights array
            i++;                                                                                              //once again "i" must advance to avoid reusing values
      float[] getWeigths() {
        return layerWeights;
      void setInputs(float[] tempInputs) {              //set inputs for this layer
        layerInputs = tempInputs;
      void processInputsToOutputs() {                   //process all the inputs to output for the neurons in this layer    
        int neuronCount = getNeuronCount();
        if (neuronCount > 0) {                                                //check if there are neurons to process inputs
          if (layerInputs.length!=neurons[0].getConnectionCount()) {          //check if num of inputs match num of neurons
            println("Error in Layer: processInputsToOutputs: The number of inputs do NOT match the number of Neuron connections in this layer");
          } else {
            for (int i=0; i<neuronCount; i++) {                                //calculate layer outputs
        } else {
          println("Error in Layer: processInputsToOutputs: There are no Neurons in this layer");
  • class NeuralNetwork {
      Layer[] layers = {};                  //array of layers
      float[] arrayOfInputs = {};           //inputs of the neural net
      float[] arrayOfOutputs = {};          //outputs of the neural net
      float[][] networkWeights = {};        // TO DO matrix of the NN weights and function to set it at once
      NeuralNetwork() {
      void addLayer(int ConnectionNum, int NeuronNum) {            //Function to add a Layer to the Neural Network
        layers = (Layer[]) append(layers, new Layer(ConnectionNum, NeuronNum));
      int getLayerCount() {                                        //Function to get the number of layers
        return layers.length;
      void setInputs(float[] tempInputs) {                         //Function to set the inputs of the neural network
        arrayOfInputs = tempInputs;
      void setLayerInputs(float[] tempInputs, int layerIndex) {    //Function to set the inputs of a specific layer
        if (layerIndex > getLayerCount()-1) {
          println("NN Error: setLayerInputs: layerIndex=" + layerIndex + " exceeded limits= " + (getLayerCount()-1));
        } else {
      void setOutputs(float[] tempOutputs) {                 //Function to set the outputs of the neural network
        arrayOfOutputs = tempOutputs;
      float[] getOutputs() {                               //Function to get the outputs
        return arrayOfOutputs;
      void processInputsToOutputs(float[] tempInputs) {    //function to process inputs to outputs using all the layers
        if (getLayerCount() > 0) {      //make sure that the number ofinputs matches the neuron connections of the first layer
          if (arrayOfInputs.length != layers[0].neurons[0].getConnectionCount()) {
            println("NN Error: processInputsToOutputs: The number of inputs do NOT match the NN");
          } else {                                              // number of inputs is fine
            for (int i = 0; i < getLayerCount(); i++) {         //set inputs for the layers
              if (i==0) {
                setLayerInputs(arrayOfInputs, i);               //first layer get inputs from the NN
              } else {
                setLayerInputs(layers[i-1].layerOutputs, i);    //other layer get inputs from the previous one
              layers[i].processInputsToOutputs();               //once inputs have been set, convert them to outputs
        } else {
          println("Error: There are no layers in this Neural Network");
  • class Neuron {
      Connection[] connections={};              //array of connections
      float[] connectionWeights = {};           //array of connections weights
      float bias;
      float neuronInput;
      float neuronOutput;
      Neuron(int ConnectionNum) {                //constructor with random bias and connection weights
        for (int i = 0; i < ConnectionNum; i++) {
          Connection conn = new Connection();
          float tempWeight = conn.getWeight();
          connectionWeights = (float[]) append(connectionWeights, tempWeight);  //populate the weights array
        connectionWeights = (float[]) append(connectionWeights, bias);          //append the bias to the weights array
      void addConnection(Connection conn) {                                     //Function to add a Connection to this neuron
        connections = (Connection[]) append(connections, conn);
      int getConnectionCount() {                // Function to return the number of connections associated with this neuron.
        return connections.length;
      void setBias(float tempBias) {            //Function to set the bias of this Neron
        bias = tempBias;
      void randomiseBias() {                     //Function to randomise the bias of this Neuron
        setBias(random(-1, 1));
      float getNeuronOutput(float[] connEntryValues) {            //Function to convert the inputValue to an outputValue
        if (connEntryValues.length!=getConnectionCount()) {       //Make sure that the number of connEntryValues matches the number of connections
          println("Neuron Error: getNeuronOutput() : Wrong number of connEntryValues");
        neuronInput = 0;                                                 // clear the previous input
        for (int i = 0; i < getConnectionCount(); i++) {                  // sum weighted inputs for all connections
          neuronInput += connections[i].calcConnExit(connEntryValues[i]);
        neuronInput += bias;                           //add the bias
        neuronOutput = ActivateTanh(neuronInput);        //pass the sum into the activation function
        return neuronOutput;                           //return output
      float ActivateTanh(float x) {                                    //Activation function
        float activatedValue = (2 / (1 + exp(-1 * (x*2)))) -1;         //TanH (hyperbolic tangent) returns -1 to 1
        return activatedValue;
  • class World {
      ArrayList<Food> foods;                   //plants array
      ArrayList<Eater> eaters;                 //creatures array
      ArrayList<Eater> eatersClones;           //clones array we will use to recover stats from dead creatures
      ArrayList<Eater> eatersMatingPool;       //selection pool we will use for reproduction
      float foodSpawnRate;                     
      float mutationRate;
      int r;
      World(int numE, int numF) {
        foodSpawnRate = 0.02;
        mutationRate = 0.01;
        foods = new ArrayList<Food>(); 
        eaters = new ArrayList<Eater>();
        eatersClones = new ArrayList<Eater>();
        eatersMatingPool = new ArrayList<Eater>();
        for (int i=0; i < numE; i++) {                                                        // populate the arraylist for eaters
          eaters.add(new Eater(random(0, width), random(0, height), new NeuralNetwork()));
        r = eaters.get(0).r;
        for (int i=0; i < numF; i++) {                                                        // populate the arraylist for plants
          foods.add(new Food(random(r+r/2, width-(r+r/2)), random(r+r/2, height-(r+r/2))));   //to avoid generating out of reach food, we use creaure radius as reference
      void run() {                                       //since plants and creatures will be either added or removed during the simulation...
        for (int i = foods.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {      //...we will check arrays backwards to avoid skipping elements.           
          Food f = foods.get(i);                                     
          if (foods.size() > numF*2) foods.remove(0);    // max plants num
        for (int i = eaters.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {                  
          Eater e = eaters.get(i);
          if (e.dead()) {
            eatersClones.add(e);                     //when a creature dies, we first move it int the clones array for later use
            eaters.remove(i);                        //than we remove it from the world
          } else {
            e.age ++;
        if (random(1) < foodSpawnRate) foods.add(new Food(random(r+r/2, width-(r+r/2)), random(r+r/2, height-(r+r/2))));    // plants will randomly spawn over time
      void eaterSelection() {                             //function to prepare the mating pool for reproduction
        eatersMatingPool.clear();                         //first we clear the old mating pool
        float maxFitness = getEatersMaxFitness();         //we determine who's the best creature of the generation
        for (int i = 0; i < eatersClones.size(); i++) {                               //for every dead creature
          float fitnessNormal = map(eatersClones.get(i).age, 0, maxFitness, 0, 1);    //we normalize the fitness score between 0 and 1
          int n = (int) (fitnessNormal*100);                                          //multiply it by 100
          for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {                                               //and add the clone to the pool as many times as it deserves.
            eatersMatingPool.add(eatersClones.get(i));                                //the better you are, the more chances you get to reproduce
      void eatersReproduction() {                        //function to select parents and cross brain data
        float tempWeight;
        for (int i = 0; i < numE; i++) {                 
          eaters.add(new Eater(random(0, width), random(0, height), new NeuralNetwork())); //first we generate a random eater
          int m = int(random(eatersMatingPool.size()));          //choose two random parents from the mating pool
          int d = int(random(eatersMatingPool.size()));
          Eater mom = eatersMatingPool.get(m);                   //get them
          Eater dad = eatersMatingPool.get(d);
          for (int k = 0; k < mom.NN.getLayerCount(); k++) {     //for every layer of the brain...
            float[] momWeights = new float[0];                   //create 3 arrays to store weights and biases of the family
            float[] dadWeights = new float[0];
            float[] childWeights = new float[0];
            momWeights = mom.NN.layers[k].getWeigths();          //get mom and dad weights and biases
            dadWeights = dad.NN.layers[k].getWeigths();
            for (int j = 0; j < momWeights.length; j++) {                      //for every weights of the layer
              if (random(1) > 0.5)  tempWeight = momWeights[j];                //choose random between mom and dad
              else                  tempWeight = dadWeights[j];
              if (random(1) < mutationRate) tempWeight += random(-0.1, 0.1);   //apply chance of mutation
              tempWeight = constrain(tempWeight, -1, 1);                       //clamp new weight
              childWeights = (float[]) append(childWeights, tempWeight);       //add weight to the child weights and bias array
            Eater e = eaters.get(i);                                           //take the random eater we've created at the start
            e.NN.layers[k].setWeights(childWeights);                           //set its brain with the new weights
        eatersClones.clear();                                                  //clear the clones array for the next generation
      float getEatersMaxFitness() {                             //function to get the highest fitness score of the generation
        float record = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < eatersClones.size(); i++) {
          if (eatersClones.get(i).age > record) {
            record = eatersClones.get(i).age;
        return record;
      Eater getBestEater() {                                    //function to clone the best eater and store it across generations (actually unused)
        Eater bestEater = new Eater(0, 0, new NeuralNetwork());
        for (int i = 0; i < eatersClones.size(); i++) {
          if (eatersClones.get(i).age > bestEater.age) {
            bestEater = eatersClones.get(i);
        return bestEater;
      ArrayList getFood() {
        return foods;
      ArrayList getEater() {
        return eaters;
  • ok, that should be it, with that configuration it takes something between 15-20 generations to see a coherent behavior, my record is 40k age on gen 19. Eaters seems to have some problems with the borders() function (limit their position to screen size), so i'm currently using wrapAround() (continuos screen) and working on a different set of inputs for the creatures. i'm working on adding sight, smell, hearing and whatsoever, (here's my line of sight project i'll be very interested in your opinions/suggestions. also if someone has a better understanding of neural networks (i'm a complete noob so if you have some insight about it, you're probably better than i am) i'd like to hear your opinions about my approach to the problem and the possible future developments (recurrent neural nets, backpropagation, fitness function etc.)

  • Could you try and upload your sketch to ?

  • i've never used github myself, i've got no account there

  • It was new to me too but it's a professional tool and makes downloading your sketch much easier than here.

  • It works! Well done!

  • Thank you for sharing this -- very interesting!

  • Thank you so much for this code, it is extremely enlightening. I will go through it thoroughly these days, I’m sure it will make the process of making my own neural network much easier. Also expect a lot of questions from me in the coming days. To start: I haven’t examined your code, but you have used only a genetic algorithm to train the network right? No backpropagation?

  • I have given your code a quick initial scan and I have another question: why did you use a tanh activation function? Why not just use a sigmoid one? I am not one to know for sure, but I don’t think your network requires enough gradient strength to require tanh over sigmoid.

  • In line 32 of your Layer tab, is there a reason you're using expand() instead of append()? Why don't you use arraylists for everything data structure that changes, instead of arrays? It would save you a lot of hassle.

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