How can I determine which spectrum is generated from which file on mouseclick?

edited June 2017 in Library Questions

I have two audio files..One contains some voice messages and other contains a continuous sound of 10khz..Spectrum is generated from two files and is plotted..I want to determine which spectrum is generated from which file upon a mouseclick event..Any help..TIA.. Below image representing spectrum from two files



  • If you plot both files, then you have access to the data for each source. When you have a mouseEvent, you compare the mouseX/mouseY points to your data points and you should determine which point is the closest to the mouse pointer. Then you need to figure out if that point belongs to the voice data set or from the second file.


  • Yes I have the data for each source..But how can I compare the data points and mouseX/mouseY...I mean where should I look into among the data.. @kfrajer

  • What structures are you using to store the data?

    Second question: How do you map your data to your window dimensions?

    Are you using translate/rotate?

    I would use the dist() function: and find the point with the shortest distance to the mouse pointer's coordinates.


  • This is the structure I followed for 1 file..If you could Kindly look into it..And suggest which way I should go with this..

    import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
    import ddf.minim.*;
    Minim minim;
    AudioInput in;
    FFT fft;
    AudioPlayer ap;
     // how many individual peak bands we have (dep. binsperband)
    float gain = 0; // in dB
    float dB_scale = 2.0;  // pixels per dB
    int buffer_size = 1024;  // also sets FFT size (frequency resolution)
    float sample_rate = 44100;
    int spectrum_height = 200; // determines range of dB shown
    int legend_height = 20;
    int spectrum_width = 512; // determines how much of spectrum we see
    int legend_width = 40;
    int freqOffset = 0;
    void setup()
      size(552, 220, P2D);
      textFont(createFont("Georgia", 12));
      minim = new Minim(this);
      //in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.MONO,buffer_size,sample_rate);
       ap = minim.loadFile("test.mp3");
      // create an FFT object that has a time-domain buffer 
      // the same size as line-in's sample buffer
      fft = new FFT(ap.bufferSize(), ap.sampleRate());
      // Tapered window important for log-domain display
    void draw()
      // clear window
      // perform a forward FFT on the samples in input buffer
      // now draw current spectrum in brighter blue
      for(int i = 0; i < fft.specSize(); i++)  {
        // draw the line for frequency band i using dB scale
        float val = dB_scale*(20*((float)Math.log10(fft.getBand(i))) + gain);
        if (fft.getBand(i) == 0) {   val = -200;   }  // avoid log(0)
        int y = spectrum_height - Math.round(val);
        if (y > spectrum_height) { y = spectrum_height; }
        line(legend_width+i+freqOffset, spectrum_height, legend_width+i+freqOffset, y);
        // update the peak record
        // which peak bin are we in?
        //int peaksi = i/binsperband;
        //if (val > peaks[peaksi]) {
        //  peaks[peaksi] = val;
        //  // reset peak age counter
        //  peak_age[peaksi] = 0;
      // add legend
      // frequency axis
      int y = spectrum_height;
      line(legend_width,y,legend_width+spectrum_width,y); // horizontal line
      // x,y address of text is immediately to the left of the middle of the letters 
      int spFreq=0; //for spacing
      for (float freq = 0.0; freq < ap.sampleRate(); freq += 2000.0) {
        int x = legend_width+spFreq+freqOffset; // which bin holds this frequency
        line(x,y,x,y+4); // tick mark
        text(Math.round(freq/1000) +"kHz", x, y+5); // add text label
      // DBlevel axis
      int x = legend_width;
      line(x,0,x,spectrum_height); // vertictal line
      for (float level = -100.0; level < 100.0; level += 20.0) {
        y = spectrum_height - (int)(dB_scale * (level+gain));
        text((int)level+" dB",x-5,y);
    void keyReleased()
      // +/- used to adjust gain on the fly
      if (key == '+' || key == '=') {
        gain = gain + 5.0;
      } else if (key == '-' || key == '_') {
        gain = gain - 5.0;
      //(.)/(/) used to adjust frequency axis
      else if(key == '/')
        freqOffset = freqOffset-4;
      else if( key == '.')
        freqOffset = freqOffset+4;
    void stop()
      // always close Minim audio classes when you finish with them
  • edited June 2017

    One easy solution:

    1. Create a PGraphics for spectrum1 and spectrum2
    2. Draw each spectrum to each PGraphics
    3. On the main canvas, display your multi-spectrum graph by drawing the axes and then pasting each spectrum layer with image().
    4. When the mouse is clicked, check the brightness of the pixel on spectrum1 for a hit, then check spectrum2. You have to decide what to do if both are a hit.

    Checking a pixel in a PGraphics with spectrum1.get() based on mouseX, mouseY is a simple array lookup -- you can also do this spectrum1.pixels[] -- and you were already keeping the spectrum data in the array for drawing.

  • On the global scope:

    final color colSelected=color(255,0,0);
    final color colPlain=color(255);
    final float distanceThreshold=20;

    Now replace line 66 with:

        float x1=legend_width+i+freqOffset;
        float y1=spectrum_height;
        float x2=x1;
        float y2=y;
        line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, x2, y2)<distanceThreshold) 
        ellipse(x2, y2, 3, 3);

    As you see, the dist operation here determines if your mouse pointer is close to the data. The value of distanceThreshold can be adjusted to be more accurate in selecting the spectrum (or differentiating multiple spectra) but in your case, it is inconvenient because your spectrum changes really fast, in you might not have enough time to detect when the mouse pointer is on top of the graph.

    This code is valid if you don't use transformations. Notice you can adjust your offset and gain and the dist algorithm will still work. That is because and I am working using the data you are plotting and not on your raw data.

    Since one can change the color from red to white, referring to selected or non-selected resp., then it is in this part of your code where you can inquire if the data came from your first or second file.


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