Can't figure out why this code doesn't work, need help

I am not exporting to the Internet, hence the commented out Internet parts, but no matter what I try on line 304 when I compile the data or run it, it says unexpected token: void I really need help with this ASAP it is for a school project. The error code is right below, but the entire code is below that.

// ============================================================
// this function catches a serial event when the Arduino board responds

void serialEvent(Serial p) { 
  // get the ASCII string:
 // String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');  
  String inString = p.readStringUntil('\n');

  if (inString != null) {
    // trim off any whitespace:
    inString = trim(inString);
    int[] rawValues = int(split(inString, ","));
    for(int i=0; i<numOfSensors; i++){
      sensorValues[i] = rawValues[i];
      //sensorValues[i] = map(rawValues[i], 0, 100, 0, 1);

Here is the rest of the code.

`/* ==================================================== 

GardenBot - computer module, local-connection sub-module

beta version 2 (2011-01)
written by Andrew Frueh

This is the code for the local-connection sub-module of the computer module of GardenBot.
This code should be run in the Processing environment (
This code communicates with the brain module (Arduino) and can record the data to a text file and/or the web.

==================================================== */

// ============================================================
// Here can setup the basic things you will need to change to be specific to your GardenBot setup

String dataFileName = "sensorData.csv";

// This is the header for the data file
String[] fileDataTemplate = {
  "y-m-d_hr:mn,moisture level (50-100mm),temperature 1,light level 1,waterIsOn)",
  "MIN VALUES,0,0,0,0",
  "MAX VALUES,1023,100,1023,1" // no comma on last item
// List any URL that you want this script to report to
String[] listOfURLs = {
  "" // no comma on last item

// ============================================================
// Initialize the variables

// to enable serial comunication
import processing.serial.*;

int stageMax = 600;
int stageWidth = stageMax;
int stageHeight = stageMax/2;
int numOfSensors = 4;
int[] sensorValues = new int[numOfSensors];
Serial myPort;

int sensorHistMarker = 0;
String[] sensorHistory = new String[1];
String[] sensorHistoryTrimmed = new String[1];
String[] URLexternalList = new String[1];

// messenging
 long messageTimerFreq = 60000;//60,000 = 1 min
 long logicTimerFreq = 900000;//900,000 = 15 min
 long currentTime, messageTimerLast, logicTimerLast;

PFont fontA;

// ============================================================
// this is a standard Processing function, it happens once on start up

void setup() {
  size(stageWidth, stageHeight);

  // List all the available serial ports

  // load the data
  sensorHistory = loadStrings(dataFileName);

  // get the URL(s) provided in an external file
  //listOfURLs = loadStrings("listOfURLs.txt");

  // if the file does not exist, then create it and initialize it with the header
  if(sensorHistory==null || sensorHistory.length==0){
    //sensorHistory[0] = append(sensorHistory, null);
    saveStrings(dataFileName, fileDataTemplate); 
    // reload
    sensorHistory = loadStrings(dataFileName);

  // write the data out to the files

  println("sensorHistory[]: ");
  println("STARTUP::  "+year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+"_"+hour()+":"+minute()+":"+second());

  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[2], 9600);
  // don't generate a serialEvent() unless you get a newline character:

  // load the font for drawing
  fontA = loadFont("CourierNewPS-BoldMT-48.vlw");
  // Set the font and its size (in units of pixels)
  textFont(fontA, 16);


// ============================================================
// this is a standard Processing function - it happens over and over again
//   note: draw() is equivalent to loop() on Arduino

void draw() {

  // for all timers
  currentTime = millis();

  if ( abs(currentTime - messageTimerLast) >= messageTimerFreq) {
    messageTimerLast = currentTime;
    // 82 = 'R'; for Report levels


  if ( abs(currentTime - logicTimerLast) >= logicTimerFreq) {
    logicTimerLast = currentTime;

    // load data if not already
      sensorFileData = loadStrings(dataFileName);

    //int y = year(), m = month(), d = day(), hr = hour(), mn = minute(), sc = second();
    String timeStamp = year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+"_"+hour()+":"+minute();
    int moistureLevel1 = sensorValues[0];
    int temperature1 = sensorValues[1];
    int lightLevel1 = sensorValues[2];
    int waterIsOn = sensorValues[3];
    int moistureLevel2 = sensorValues[4];
    String stringTemp = timeStamp+","+moistureLevel1+","+temperature1+","+lightLevel1+","+waterIsOn+","+moistureLevel2;

    String stringTemp = "";
    stringTemp += year()+"-"+month()+"-"+day()+"_"+hour()+":"+minute();
    stringTemp += ",";
    stringTemp += sensorValues[0]; // MS1
    stringTemp += ",";
    stringTemp += sensorValues[1]; // TP1
    stringTemp += ",";
    stringTemp += sensorValues[2]; // LI1
    stringTemp += ",";
    stringTemp += sensorValues[3]; // WIO


    //sensorHistory[sensorHistMarker] = stringTemp;
      sensorHistory[0] = stringTemp;
      sensorHistory = append(sensorHistory, stringTemp);

    // send data


  // >> draw the display

  // draw the text
  int titlePosY = 20;
  int barTitlePosY = 50;

  text("GardenBot - local communication sub-module", stageWidth/2, titlePosY);

  //int numOfBars = 3;
  int padding = round(stageWidth*.1);
  //float barWidth = (stageWidth/numOfBars)-(padding*(1+1/float(numOfBars)));
  int barWidth = int(stageWidth * .20);
  int barHeight = stageHeight-(padding*2);
  int i;
  float xTemp;
  float hTemp;
  // draw the bars

  // rect(x, y, width, height)
  // moisture sensor
  i = 0;
  xTemp = padding+(barWidth*i)+(padding*i);
  hTemp = barHeight*map(sensorValues[i],0,1023,0,1);
  rect(xTemp, padding+(barHeight-hTemp), barWidth, padding+barHeight);
  rect(xTemp, padding, barWidth, barHeight-hTemp);
  text("moisture", xTemp+(barWidth/2), barTitlePosY);

  // temp sensor
  i = 1;
  xTemp = padding+(barWidth*i)+(padding*i);
  hTemp = barHeight*map(sensorValues[i],0,1023,0,1);
  rect(xTemp, padding+(barHeight-hTemp), barWidth, padding+barHeight);
  rect(xTemp, padding, barWidth, barHeight-hTemp);
  text("temp", xTemp+(barWidth/2), barTitlePosY);

  // light sensor
  i = 2;
  xTemp = padding+(barWidth*i)+(padding*i);
  hTemp = barHeight*map(sensorValues[i],0,1023,0,1);
  rect(xTemp, padding+(barHeight-hTemp), barWidth, padding+barHeight);
  rect(xTemp, padding, barWidth, barHeight-hTemp);
  text("light", xTemp+(barWidth/2), barTitlePosY);

  int i;
  for(i=0;i<numOfBars;i=i+1) {   
    float xTemp = padding+(barWidth*i)+(padding*i);
    float hTemp = barHeight*map(sensorValues[i],0,1023,0,1);
    rect(xTemp, padding+(barHeight-hTemp), barWidth, padding+barHeight);
    rect(xTemp, padding, barWidth, barHeight-hTemp);
   // << draw the display


// ============================================================
// this function sends the data out to a file and to the web

void sendDataOut(){

    // >> trim data
    String[] sensorHistoryHEAD = subset(sensorHistory, 0, 3);
    String[] sensorHistoryDATA = subset(sensorHistory, 3);
    // figure out the index of where to start reading the data
    int position = sensorHistoryDATA.length - 288; // 3 days worth = 288
    // aquire only the last x days worth of data
    sensorHistoryDATA = subset(sensorHistoryDATA, position);
    // splice the arrays back together
    sensorHistoryTrimmed = splice(sensorHistoryHEAD, sensorHistoryDATA, 3);
    // << trim data

    // write data to the file, full data
    saveStrings(dataFileName, sensorHistory);
    if(listOfURLs.length > 0){
      // create a string for sending as POST var
      String srtTemp = join(sensorHistoryTrimmed,"\n");
      for(int i=0; i<listOfURLs.length; i++){
        // save data to the web 

****_// ============================================================
This is were the error code is located.
// ============================================================
// >> postNewItem()
// this function thanks to: Euskadi - from the Processing forum (pulled 2010-06-15)
void postNewItem (String urlIN, String message) {  
  try {  

    URL      url;  
    URLConnection urlConn;  
    DataOutputStream   dos;  
    DataInputStream    dis;  

    url = new URL(urlIN);  
    urlConn = url.openConnection();  
    urlConn.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");  

    dos = new DataOutputStream (urlConn.getOutputStream());  


    // the server responds by saying  
    // "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE"  
    dis = new DataInputStream(urlConn.getInputStream());  
    String s = dis.readLine();  

    if (s.equals("SUCCESS")) {  
    } else {  
 ; //addTextField.setText("Post Error!");  
  } // end of "try"  

  catch (MalformedURLException mue) {  
    ; //addTextField.setText("mue error");  
  catch (IOException ioe) {  
    ; //addTextField.setText("IO Exception");  

// << postNewItem()
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