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I just tried a KinectOrbit Example
these are the code:
import processing.opengl.*;
import kinectOrbit.*;
KinectOrbit myOrbit;
void setup()
size(800, 600, OPENGL);
myOrbit = new KinectOrbit(this);
void draw()
when i tried to run this code. the program said to me "the constructor KinectOrbit(KinectOrbits)is undefined"
I hope, You can help me Thanks for your attention
It happens with most of the libraries when you install with processing. Sometimes processing refuses to integrate libraries with IDE so what you need to do is to go to C:\Users\Users_name\Documents\Processing\libraries\library_name\library\Executalbejarfile.java and then drag and drop this executable java file on your processing sketch or just use add file from the tool menu and then run your sketch... I am pretty sure it will work
Perhaps the article Common issues with sketch names is relevant here, given the error message...