How do I get an 3-Axis Accelerometer to control processing game? - Please Help

edited February 2015 in Arduino

Hi I am very new to arduino and processing and just about understand the basics. I have a school project and I just cant get my head around it. I am using Arduino Uno

I want to use an Accelerometer (3-5V GY-61 ADXL335 Module 3-Axis Analog Output Accelerometer Angular Transducer) to control a simple processing game. So instead of the mouse curser I want the Accelerometer to control the game by tilting left and right.

This is the arduino code I uploaded to the board;

const int groundpin = 18; // analog input pin 4 -- ground const int powerpin = 19; // analog input pin 5 -- voltage const int xpin = A3; // x-axis of the accelerometer const int ypin = A2; // y-axis const int zpin = A1; // z-axis (only on 3-axis models)

void setup() { // initialize the serial communications:



void loop() { // print the sensor values: Serial.print(analogRead(xpin));

// print a tab between values: Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(analogRead(ypin));

// print a tab between values: Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(analogRead(zpin)); Serial.println();

// delay before next reading: delay(100); }

And here is the processing code that I am using - its a very simple game, move the penguin to overlap as many fish as you can.

int numfish = 3; //number of fish you want in the game fish[] fishArray; //array of fish PImage bg; //background image PImage jf; //fish image PImage sb; //penguin image int fishSize = 50; //size of target fish int score = 0; //current score int timeLeft = 1000; //duration of each game (app. timeLeft / 100 in seconds) boolean gameStart = false; //if true, game is in progress PFont Font; //declaring the font used in the gameplay text int endOfGameDelayCycles = 300; //how long the end screen lasts boolean endScreenActive = false; //is the end screen currently showing? true if yes

//setting up the game, this only runs once void setup() { size(900, 700); noCursor();

//initializing the array fishArray = new fish[numfish]; for (int i = 0; i < numfish; i++) { fishArray[i] = new fish(); }

//loading the images bg = loadImage("background.jpg"); jf = loadImage("fish.png"); sb = loadImage("penguin.png"); }

//this is the loop which will keep running again and again until you stop playing void draw() { background(bg); textSize(11);

//start game menu if (gameStart == false) { fill(255);

ellipse(460, 300, 500, 500);

text("Press 'A' to start", 220, 300);

if (keyPressed) {
  if (key == 'a' || key == 'A') {
    gameStart = true;


//while the game is on, between the start and end screen if ((gameStart == true) && (endScreenActive == false)) {

for (int i = 0; i < numfish; i++)
movepenguin ();

text("Score: " + score, 20, 20);
text("Time Left: " + timeLeft/100, 200, 20);


//end screen if (timeLeft < 10) { endScreenActive = true; fill(255); fill(255);

ellipse(460, 300, 500, 500);

text("Well Done! Your Score is", 300, 300);
text(score, 450, 450);


if (endOfGameDelayCycles < 5) {
  timeLeft = 2000;
  endOfGameDelayCycles = 300;

  gameStart = false;
  score = 0;
  endScreenActive = false;

} }

//this function moves penguin when called void movepenguin () {

//put the penguin image on the screen image(sb, mouseX, mouseY, 190, 153);

//check whether penguin is overlapping any of the fish, if so, add the score and delete the fish for (int i = 0; i < numfish; i++) { if ((abs(mouseX - fishArray[i].getXLoc()) < 35) && (abs(mouseY - fishArray[i].getYLoc()) < 35)) { fishArray[i].setLifeStatus(false); fill(224, 27, 96); score++; } } timeLeft--; }

//create a fish object class fish {

//x location, y location, how long it will stay on screen, dead (0) or alive (1) float xLoc, yLoc, lifeDuration; boolean lifeStatus;

fish() { xLoc = random(fishSize, width - (fishSize + 10)); yLoc = random(fishSize, height - (fishSize + 10));

lifeDuration = random(25, 100);

lifeStatus = true;


float getXLoc() { return xLoc; }

float getYLoc() { return yLoc; }

void setLifeStatus(boolean tempLifeStatus) { lifeStatus = tempLifeStatus; }

void drawfish() { lifeDuration--;

if ((lifeDuration >= 0) && (lifeStatus == true))
  image(jf, xLoc, yLoc, fishSize, fishSize);

else {
  xLoc = random(fishSize, width - (fishSize + 10));
  yLoc = random(fishSize, height - (fishSize + 10));

  lifeDuration = random(25, 100);

  lifeStatus = true;

} }

Thank you so much for helping if anyone can I would really appreciate it. :)

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