p5 sketch running fullscreen

how can i setup my p5 sketch running fullscreen in the browser?



  • edited February 2015

    Google "Processing.js fullscreen".

    First result: http://processingjs.org/reference/screen/

    Second result: http://forum.processing.org/one/topic/processing-js-full-screen-in-browser.html

    Third result: http://forum.processing.org/one/topic/true-full-screen-in-processing-js.html

    If nothing in any of the above links works, then post an MCVE showing what you've tried and where you're stuck, and we'll go from there.

  • edited February 2015

    I was just experimenting with full screen in p5. This is what I came up with (updated Feb. 27, 2015):

    p5 Full Screen Demo

    Here's the HTML:

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>p5.js Full Screen Demo</title> <script src="libraries/p5.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="sketch.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <style type="text/css"> body {margin:0; padding:0;} /* remove top and left whitespace */ canvas {display:block;} /* remove scrollbars */ canvas:focus {outline:0;} /* remove blue outline around canvas */ .fs {position:fixed; bottom:20px; right:20px;} #enter {display:block;} #exit {display:none;} </style> </head> <body> <img id="enter" class="fs" src="enter.png"> <img id="exit" class="fs" src="exit.png"> </body> </html>

    Here's the sketch:

    var viewfs;
    var exitfs;
    var showing = true;
    var waitress;
    function setup() {
      viewfs = document.getElementById("enter");
      exitfs = document.getElementById("exit");
      waitress = millis() + 10000; 
    function draw() {
      var currtime = millis();
      var x1 = random(-(width*0.1),width*0.9); 
      var x2 = x1 + width*random(0.1,0.3);
      var y1 = random(-(height*0.1),height*0.9); 
      var y2 = y1 + height*random(0.1,0.3);
      stroke(int(random(255)), int(random(255)), int(random(255))); 
      for (var i=0; i<70; i++) {
        line(random(x1,x2), random(y1,y2), random(x1,x2), random(y1,y2));
      // Show mouse pointer and Enter/Exit FS image when mouse is moved.
      // Hide them 10 seconds after page loads, or 2 seconds after last  
      // mouse movement or window resize. 
      if ((mouseX != pmouseX) || (mouseY != pmouseY)) { // if mouse moved,
        if (!showing) { // and if they're hidden,
          cursor(); // show pointer and relevant image
          if (fullscreen()) { 
            exitfs.style.display = "block";
          } else {
             viewfs.style.display = "block";
          showing = true; 
        if (waitress < currtime + 2000) { // if not in first 10 seconds,
          waitress = currtime + 2000; // hide stuff 2 seconds from now
      } else { // mouse has not moved
        if (showing) {
          if (currtime > waitress) { // they've been visible long enough,
            noCursor(); showing = false; // so hide pointer and images
            viewfs.style.display = "none";
            exitfs.style.display = "none";
    function mouseReleased() {
      if (mouseX>windowWidth-320 && mouseX<windowWidth-20 
        && mouseY>windowHeight-80 && mouseY<windowHeight-20) {
        var fs = fullscreen();
    function windowResized() {
      waitress = millis() + 2000;
      if (fullscreen()) {
        resizeCanvas(displayWidth, displayHeight);
        viewfs.style.display = "none";
        exitfs.style.display = "block";
      } else {
        exitfs.style.display = "none";
        viewfs.style.display = "block";
      showing = true;

    And here are the two images it uses:

  • thanks very much!

  • edited February 2015

    You’re welcome!

    For the record, I have now tested the 2/27 update on all the browsers to which I have access.

    OS X Mavericks: Works fine in Safari, Chrome, Opera, and Firefox.

    Windows 8: Works in Internet Explorer 11, Chrome, Opera and Firefox (but see below).

    Windows XP: Works in Chrome, Opera, and Firefox. Of course IE 8 doesn’t even support the Canvas element, so it doesn't work in that.

    Windows 8 and XP were running on a Mac using VMware Fusion 5.

    In order to get this working in IE 11 in Windows 8, I had to open up p5.js v0.4.2 and add

    else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {

    near the end of function exitFullscreen() -- after the closing curly bracket on line 2244. I let the developers know on Github about this minor oversight, so they'll probably fix it in the next version of p5.

  • awesome thank you!

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