Net Library Over The Internet

edited December 2017 in Library Questions

Hello everyone, I have made a messaging program that allows users on a LAN network to connect to a server, and talk by typing messages. I would like to expand this to where my friends (at there house) could connect to my server (at my house) and be able to chat. I have already forwarded my ports from my router, but cannot get the client program to connect to the server over the WAN IP of my house. I believe that I just need the client program to know to search outside of the LAN network for the server. Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks, RywesTech.

FYI, I have also searched the forums and google for an awnser, but have found nothing.


  • edited January 2015
    • Clients connect to the WAN IP, which reaches the server's router.
    • Then the router forwards the connection for the server's internal LAN IP.
    • Most common strategy used is set ports to specified LAN IPs.
    • Another 1 is activate DMZ for 1 chosen LAN IP.
    • There's also UPnP dynamic port opening.
  • Thank you GoToLoop for replying so soon!

    I have already opened the correct port for my server, my question is that the client program when I put the wan IP for the server in, it does not connect. How can I make it connect over WAN?

    • AFAIK clients don't need anything but server's WAN IP or corresponding URL.
    • Perhaps your server is using a port which isn't 80?
    • In that case, clients also need to specify the port as well.
  • Yes, all of my port number are correct — the port forwarded one, the server one, the client one

  • Now I am on my laptop, witch I only have one port forwarded, and it works!!!

    Looks like you can maybe only have one port fowled per computer?.?.?..?...

  • edited January 2015

    Inside a LAN, each device has its own IP. Therefore port forwarding works w/ 1 device at a time. :-B
    Of course we can assign as many ports to 1 single IP! :-c

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