silhoutte position with kinect

edited January 2015 in Kinect

hello everyone,

it would be nice, if you could help me. :) how can i set the silhouette (the kinect height) correctly to the room? the silhouette is too above. (pic attached)

thanks for your ideas. ;)

// import libraries
import processing.opengl.*; // opengl
import SimpleOpenNI.*; // kinect
import blobDetection.*; // blobs

// this is a regular java import so we can use and extend the polygon class (see PolygonBlob)
import java.awt.Polygon;

// declare SimpleOpenNI object
SimpleOpenNI context;

// declare BlobDetection object
BlobDetection theBlobDetection;

// declare custom PolygonBlob object (see class for more info)
PolygonBlob poly = new PolygonBlob();

// PImage to hold incoming imagery and smaller one for blob detection
PImage cam, blobs;

// the kinect's dimensions to be used later on for calculations
int kinectWidth = 1280;
int kinectHeight = 720;

// to center and rescale from 640x480 to higher custom resolutions
float reScale;

// background
PImage bg;

/*color bgColor;

 // three color palettes (artifact from me storing many interesting color palettes as strings in an external data file ;-)
 String[] palettes = {

// an array called flow of 2250 Particle objects (see Particle class)
Particle[] flow = new Particle[2250];
// global variables to influence the movement of all particles
float globalX, globalY;

void setup() {

  // it's possible to customize this, for example 1920x1080
  size(1920, 1080, OPENGL);

  bg = loadImage("hg_interface_vs.jpg");

  // initialize SimpleOpenNI object
  context = new SimpleOpenNI(this);
  if (!context.enableScene()) {

    // if context.enableScene() returns false
    // then the Kinect is not working correctly
    // make sure the green light is blinking
    println("Kinect not connected!");
  } else {
    // mirror the image to be more intuitive

    // calculate the reScale value
    // currently it's rescaled to fill the complete width (cuts of top-bottom)
    // it's also possible to fill the complete height (leaves empty sides)
    reScale = (float) width / kinectWidth;
    // create a smaller blob image for speed and efficiency
    blobs = createImage(kinectWidth/3, kinectHeight/3, RGB);
    // initialize blob detection object to the blob image dimensions
    theBlobDetection = new BlobDetection(blobs.width, blobs.height);

void draw() {

  // show background
  image(bg, 0, 0);
  //bg.resize(1920, 1080);

  // fading background
  fill(bgColor, 65);
  rect(0, 0, width, height);*/

  // update the SimpleOpenNI object
  // put the image into a PImage
  cam = context.sceneImage().get();
  // copy the image into the smaller blob image
  blobs.copy(cam, 0, 0, cam.width, cam.height, 0, 0, blobs.width, blobs.height);
  // blur the blob image
  // detect the blobs
  // clear the polygon (original functionality)
  // create the polygon from the blobs (custom functionality, see class)

void setupFlowfield() {
  // set stroke weight (for particle display) to 2.5
  // initialize all particles in the flow
  for (int i=0; i < 2250; i++)
    flow[i] = new Particle(i/10000.0);
  // set all colors randomly now

void drawFlowfield() {
  // center and reScale from Kinect to custom dimensions
  translate(0, (height-kinectHeight*reScale)/2);
  // set global variables that influence the particle flow's movement
  globalX = noise(frameCount * 0.01) * width/2 + width/4;
  globalY = noise(frameCount * 0.005 + 5) * height;
  // update and display all particles in the flow
  for (Particle p : flow) {
  // set the colors randomly every 240th frame
// sets the colors every nth frame
/*void setRandomColors(int nthFrame) {
  if (frameCount % nthFrame == 0) {
    // turn a palette into a series of strings
    //String[] paletteStrings = split(palettes[int(random(palettes.length))], ",");
    // turn strings into colors
    color[] colorPalette = new color[paletteStrings.length];
    for (int i=0; i<paletteStrings.length; i++)
      colorPalette[i] = int(paletteStrings[i]);
    // set background color to first color from palette
    bgColor = colorPalette[0];
    // set all particle colors randomly to color from palette (excluding first aka background color)
    for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
      flow[i].col = colorPalette[int(random(1, colorPalette.length))];

// a basic noise-based moving particle
class Particle {

  // unique id, (previous) position, speed
  float id, x, y, xp, yp, s, d;
  //color col; // color

  Particle(float id) { = id;
    s = random(2, 6); // speed

  void updateAndDisplay() {

    // let it flow, end with a new x and y position
    id += 0.01;
    d = (noise(id, x/globalY, y/globalY)-0.5)*globalX;
    x += cos(radians(d))*s;
    y += sin(radians(d))*s;

    // constrain to boundaries
    if (x<-10) x=xp=kinectWidth+10;
    if (x>kinectWidth+10) x=xp=-10;
    if (y<-10) y=yp=kinectHeight+10;
    if (y>kinectHeight+10) y=yp=-10;

    // if there is a polygon (more than 0 points)
    if (poly.npoints > 0) {

      // if this particle is outside the polygon
      if (!poly.contains(x, y)) {

        // while it is outside the polygon
        while (!poly.contains (x, y)) {

          // randomize x and y
          x = random(kinectWidth);
          y = random(kinectHeight);

        // set previous x and y, to this x and y

    // individual particle color

    // line from previous to current position
    line(xp, yp, x, y);

    // set previous to current position

import java.util.Collections;

// an extended polygon class with my own customized createPolygon() method (feel free to improve!)
class PolygonBlob extends Polygon {

  // took me some time to make this method fully self-sufficient
  // now it works quite well in creating a correct polygon from a person's blob
  // of course many thanks to v3ga, because the library already does a lot of the work
  void createPolygon() {
    // an arrayList... of arrayLists... of PVectors
    // the arrayLists of PVectors are basically the person's contours (almost but not completely in a polygon-correct order)
    ArrayList contours = new ArrayList();
    // helpful variables to keep track of the selected contour and point (start/end point)
    int selectedContour = 0;
    int selectedPoint = 0;

    // create contours from blobs
    // go over all the detected blobs
    for (int n=0; n<theBlobDetection.getBlobNb (); n++)
      Blob b = theBlobDetection.getBlob(n);

      // for each substantial blob...
      if (b != null && b.getEdgeNb() > 100) {

        // create a new contour arrayList of PVectors
        ArrayList contour = new ArrayList();
        // go over all the edges in the blob
        for (int m=0; m< b.getEdgeNb (); m++)
          // get the edgeVertices of the edge
          EdgeVertex eA = b.getEdgeVertexA(m); 
          EdgeVertex eB = b.getEdgeVertexB(m); 

          // if both ain't null...
          if (eA != null && eB != null) {

            // get next and previous edgeVertexA
            EdgeVertex fn = b.getEdgeVertexA((m+1) % b.getEdgeNb()); 
            EdgeVertex fp = b.getEdgeVertexA((max(0, m-1))); 
            // calculate distance between vertexA and next and previous edgeVertexA respectively
            // positions are multiplied by kinect dimensions because the blob library returns normalized values
            float dn = dist(eA.x*kinectWidth, eA.y*kinectHeight, fn.x*kinectWidth, fn.y*kinectHeight); 
            float dp = dist(eA.x*kinectWidth, eA.y*kinectHeight, fp.x*kinectWidth, fp.y*kinectHeight); 

            // if either distance is bigger than 15
            if (dn > 15 || dp > 15) {
              // if the current contour size is bigger than zero

              if (contour.size() > 0) {
                // add final point
                contour.add(new PVector(eB.x*kinectWidth, eB.y*kinectHeight)); 

                // add current contour to the arrayList

                // start a new contour arrayList
                contour = new ArrayList(); 
                // if the current contour size is 0 (aka it's a new list)
              } else {
                // add the point to the list
                contour.add(new PVector(eA.x*kinectWidth, eA.y*kinectHeight));
              // if both distance are smaller than 15 (aka the points are close)
            } else {
              // add the point to the list
              contour.add(new PVector(eA.x*kinectWidth, eA.y*kinectHeight));

    // at this point in the code we have a list of contours (aka an arrayList of arrayLists of PVectors)
    // now we need to sort those contours into a correct polygon. To do this we need two things:
    // 1. The correct order of contours
    // 2. The correct direction of each contour

    // as long as there are contours left...    
    while (contours.size() > 0)
       println("Anzahl der Contours: "+contours.size());
      // find next contour
      float distance = 999999999; 
      // if there are already points in the polygon
      println("N-Points: " + npoints);
      if (npoints > 0) {
        // use the polygon's last point as a starting point
        PVector lastPoint = new PVector(xpoints[npoints-1], ypoints[npoints-1]); 
        // go over all contours
        for (int i=0; i<contours.size(); i++)
          ArrayList c = (ArrayList)(contours.get(i)); 
          // get the contour's first point
          PVector fp = (PVector)(c.get(0)); 
          // get the contour's last point
          PVector lp = (PVector)(c.get(c.size()-1)); 
          // if the distance between the current contour's first point and the polygon's last point is smaller than distance
          if (fp.dist(lastPoint) < distance) {
            // set distance to this distance
            distance = fp.dist(lastPoint); 
            // set this as the selected contour
            selectedContour = i; 
            // set selectedPoint to 0 (which signals first point)
            selectedPoint = 0;
          // if the distance between the current contour's last point and the polygon's last point is smaller than distance
          if (lp.dist(lastPoint) < distance) {
            // set distance to this distance
            distance = lp.dist(lastPoint); 
            // set this as the selected contour
            selectedContour = i; 
            // set selectedPoint to 1 (which signals last point)
            selectedPoint = 1;
        // if the polygon is still empty
      } else {

        // use a starting point in the lower-right
        PVector closestPoint = new PVector(width, height); 
        println("Closest Point:"+closestPoint);

        // go over all contours
        for (int i=0; i<contours.size(); i++)
          ArrayList c = (ArrayList)(contours.get(i)); 
          // get the contour's first point
          PVector fp = (PVector)(c.get(0)); 
          // get the contour's last point
          PVector lp = (PVector)(c.get(c.size()-1)); 
          println("First Point:"+fp);
          println("Last Point:"+lp);
          println("Kinect Height:"+kinectHeight);

          // if the first point is in the lowest 5 pixels of the (kinect) screen and more to the left than the current closestPoint
          if (fp.y > kinectHeight-5 && fp.x < closestPoint.x) {
            println("set closestPoint to first point");
            // set closestPoint to first point
            closestPoint = fp; 
            // set this as the selected contour
            selectedContour = i; 
            // set selectedPoint to 0 (which signals first point)
            selectedPoint = 0;
          // if the last point is in the lowest 5 pixels of the (kinect) screen and more to the left than the current closestPoint
          if (lp.y > kinectHeight-5 && lp.x < closestPoint.y) {
            println("set closestPoint to first point");            
            // set closestPoint to last point
            closestPoint = lp; 
            // set this as the selected contour
            selectedContour = i; 
            // set selectedPoint to 1 (which signals last point)
            selectedPoint = 1;


       // add contour to polygon
       ArrayList contour = (ArrayList)contours.get(selectedContour); 
       println("Selected Contour: "+contour);
       // if selectedPoint is bigger than zero (aka last point) then reverse the arrayList of points
       if (selectedPoint > 0) { 
       // add all the points in the contour to the polygon
       for (int i=0; i < contour.size();i++)
         PVector p = (PVector)(contour.get(i));
         addPoint(int(p.x), int(p.y));

      println("Selected Contour: " + selectedContour);

      // remove this contour from the list of contours
      if (contours.size() > selectedContour)
        contours = new ArrayList();
      // the while loop above makes all of this code loop until the number of contours is zero
      // at that time all the points in all the contours have been added to the polygon... in the correct order (hopefully)
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