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Hi! I'm trying to install the Kinect sensor on my mac, but unfortunately it's not working. Any page I find, says i have to install the OpenNI, but there is any link working to download it.
Could someone help me, how to install it. I installed processing and added two libraries - SimpleOpenNi and Open Kinect for processing.
Thanks in advance!
What version of the SimpleOpenNI do you have?
If it's the recent one, you have to go through the insctructions on the following page: https://code.google.com/p/simple-openni/wiki/Installat
If it's the old one (0.27) you can download all the files needed at once in the downloads page. https://code.google.com/p/simple-openni/downloads/list but you'll have to select All downloads and hit search and download the installer you want to. The packages "installer" comes with OpenNI, Nite and everything you need for each library version.