js directives/preload array of images

edited January 2015 in JavaScript Mode

Hi there, I have quite a large sketch I made in processing which I would like to port to javascript.

I have an issue preloading my images. The problem is that I have sequences of images and the only advice I've seen on preloading is single files in the section before setup like this

/* @pjs preload="image1.jpg"; */


/* @pjs preload="image1.jpg,image2.jpg";


is this the only way? I have over 30 images. I can type them out by hand but what about situations with more images? when I click JavaScript > Playback Settings (Directives), I click the scan button and nothing happens..

this is the error I get in chrome debug: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (not found) Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (not found) Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (not found) Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (not found)

... this goes on for all the images


  • Official place to place resources in Processing is sketch's subfolder "data/"! L-)

  • Ah I see, then the scan button works! I am still getting the not found error though. It starts like this however:

    "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '$overloads' in true"

    in "if ("$overloads" in existingfn) existingfn.$overloads[args] = fn;"

  • edited January 2015

    I had to copy the data folder into the newly created web-export folder. then open it not directly from explorer (did via dropbox public link) and am now only getting one error:

    "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '$overloads' in true"

  • In "JavaScript Mode", when it creates "web-export/", it ends up removing the "data/" subfolder.
    But that is done automatically, so it shoulda worked!? :-/

  • this happens to me even in java mode but I don't usually make a data folder (except in this case). Anyway it isnt complaining about the files missing anymore, just that error which I don't understand.

    Any help would be appreciated but the long term solution for me seems to be just learn and use javascript, j5 looks nice.

  • Does your code have that in keyword? You should post relevant parts. We're not fortune-tellers! (~~)

  • edited January 2015

    I think its part of javascript stuff that gets generated, the whole thing in chrome debug is huge. This is the link to the page: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24304389/app/Buttmen_web-export/index.html You can see in debug the in error. or maybe its working for you?

  • From: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24304389/app/Buttmen_web-export/pixP_mc_v1_17_js.pde

    At 1st sight, I've spotted these problematic issues:

    • Backslashes in paths: "lev\bgMap_01.gif".
    • Java imports like: javax.media.opengl.GL2
    • Non-existing system variables like displayWidth.

    In order for a "Java Mode" sketch to cross convert into "JS Mode", we should adhere to Processing's API:
    http://processingjs.org/reference/ & http://processingjs.org/tools/processing-helper.html

    • the only backslashes in my sketch are the ones generated from when I clicked scan via the directives editor. I don't get any errors regarding missing files either.
    • displayWidth is commented out from older versions, it is not used in this sketch.
    • I removed the java import and it still doesn't work: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24304389/app/web-export/index.html

    Still getting the same "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '$overloads' in true" error. Thank you for the links though and I really appreciate you taking the time to help.

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