Upload Issues

edited January 2015 in JavaScript Mode

I have a sketch that previews fine in Javascript mode. However, when I attempt to upload it to Openprocessing it does not work. I'm not sure what the issue is.


  • Neither us, I fear...

  • here's the code

    /* @pjs preload="pink lady.png; font = "AaarghNormal-48.vlw" ; */

    float [] GDPpc ={14178,12455,52283,67869,28021,7336,3607,9795,4517,3340,944,649}; float [] percentages = {66.1,60.8,54.2,56.6,46.3,12.2,10.9,10.1,8,2.4,1,.1}; PImage back; PFont font; float s;

    void setup() { size(800,800); background(0); back = loadImage("pink lady.png"); font = loadFont("AaarghNormal-48.vlw"); }

    void draw() { textFont(font, 48); drawBackground(); drawText(); drawShapes(); }

    void drawBackground() { background(0); image(back,0,0,800,800);


    void drawShapes() { noStroke(); fill(255,80); rectMode(CENTER); textFont(font, 48); textAlign(CENTER); if(mouseY<height/13) { int i=0; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Russia", width/2, height.85); text("$14,178", width/3, height.5+12); text("66.1%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>height/13 && mouseY<2height/13) { int i=1; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Kazakhstan", width/2, height.85); text("$12,455", width/3, height.5+12); text("60.8%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>3height/13 && mouseY<4height/13) { int i=2; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Canada", width/2, height.85); text("$52,283", width/3, height.5+12); text("54.2%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>4height/13 && mouseY<5height/13) { int i=3; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Australia", width/2, height.85); text("$67,869", width/3, height.5+12); text("46.6%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>5height/13 && mouseY<6height/13) { int i=4; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Puerto Rico", width/2, height.85); text("$28,021", width/3, height.5+12); text("46.3%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>6height/13 && mouseY<7height/13) { int i=5; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("South Africa", width/2, height.85); text("$7,336", width/3, height.5+12); text("12.2%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>7height/13 && mouseY<8height/13) { int i=6; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Samoa", width/2, height.85); text("$3,607", width/3, height.5+12); text("10.9%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>8height/13 && mouseY<9height/13) { int i=7; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Mexico", width/2, height.85); text("$9,795", width/3, height.5+12); text("10.1%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>9height/13 && mouseY<10height/13) { int i=8; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Bosnia & Herzegovina", width/2, height.85); text("$4,517", width/3, height.5+12); text("8%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>10height/13 && mouseY<11height/13) { int i=9; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Guatemala", width/2, height.85); text("$3,340", width/3, height.5+12); text("2.4%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>11height/13 && mouseY<12height/13) { int i=10; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Cambodia", width/2, height.85); text("$944", width/3, height.5+12); text("1%", width.666, height.5+12); } else if(mouseY>12height/13) { int i=11; rect (width.33, height.5 ,width/4, GDPpc[i]/120); rect (width.66, height.5 ,width/4, percentages[i]); fill(255); text("Burkina Faso", width/2, height.85); text("$649", width/3, height.5+12); text("0.1%", width.666, height.5+12); } }

    void drawText() { textFont(font, 24); fill(255); text("Per Capita GDP in USD",160,100, width/4, 1.5height.1111); text("Percent of Females with Post-Secondary Educations", 440, 100, width/4, 1.5height.2111); textFont(font,14); text("Data from UN 2012 Gender Statstics", 150, height*.9+10);

  • Processing forum rules and advices
    See the part about choosing a category (did it for you) and formatting code (I didn't, edit your message).

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