[SOLVED]java.lang.IllegalStateException: Underflow in restore

edited December 2014 in Android Mode

Dear Community.

Im new to java, and i have a crash in my application while starting it on my Android phone. P.s why i cant use the Code highlight in the Forum ?!?

FATAL EXCEPTION: Animation Thread
Process: processing.test.geolocation, PID: 17096
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Underflow in restore
    at android.graphics.Canvas.restore(Native Method)
    at processing.core.PGraphicsAndroid2D.popMatrix(Unknown Source)
    at processing.core.PApplet.popMatrix(Unknown Source)
    at processing.test.geolocation.Geolocation.drawmap(Geolocation.java:80)
    at processing.test.geolocation.Geolocation.draw(Geolocation.java:63)
    at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(Unknown Source)
    at processing.core.PGraphicsAndroid2D.requestDraw(Unknown Source)
    at processing.core.PApplet.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:841)

Here is my Code

 * <p>Ketai Sensor Library for Android: http://KetaiProject.org</p>;
 * <p>Ketai Location Features:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Uses GPS location data (latitude, longitude, altitude (if available)</li>
 * <li>Updates if location changes by 1 meter, or every 10 seconds</li>
 * <li>If unavailable, defaults to system provider (cell tower or WiFi network location)</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>Syntax:
 * <ul>
 * <li>onLocationEvent(latitude, longitude, altitude)</li>
 * <li>onLocationEvent(latitude, longitude)</li>
 * <li>onLocationEvent(latitude, longitude, altitude)</li>
 * </p>
 * <p>Updated: 2012-10-21 Daniel Sauter/j.duran</p>

//import ketai.sensors modules
import ketai.sensors.*; 

double longitude, latitude, altitude;
KetaiLocation location;

void setup() {
  //Screen Orientation LANDSCAPE, PORTRAIT is also possible
  //Display text in the Upperscreen alligned Right
  textAlign(UP, RIGHT);
  //text Size
  //location is KetaiLocation
  location = new KetaiLocation(this);
  //set screen size, how is a dynamic size possible ?
  //how could i make it possible to rotate screen 
  //orientation and change size during application is started
  size(displayWidth, displayHeight);

void draw() {
  //draw background in Green
  background(78, 93, 75);
  //Alert if no location provider is avaible
  if (location.getProvider() == "none")
    text("Location data is unavailable. \n" +
      "Please check your location settings.",  0, 0, width, height);
  //Display Latitude Longitude Altitude and Provider
    text("Latitude: " + latitude + "\n" + 
      "Longitude: " + longitude + "\n" + 
      "Altitude: " + altitude + "\n" + 
      "Provider: " + location.getProvider(),  0, 0, width, height);  
  // getProvider() returns "gps" if GPS is available
  // otherwise "network" (cell network) or "passive" (WiFi MACID)
  // Execute function drawmap

void onLocationEvent(double _latitude, double _longitude, double _altitude)
  longitude = _longitude;
  latitude = _latitude;
  altitude = _altitude;
  println("lat/lon/alt: " + latitude + "/" + longitude + "/" + altitude);

void drawmap()
  //convert latitude <- double to flatitude <- float
  float flatitude = (float) latitude;
  //convert longitude <- double to longitude <- float
  float flongitude = (float) longitude;
  //move matrix, current position SHOULD be in the MIDDLE of the screen.
  translate((flatitude + (displayWidth / 2)), (flongitude + (displayHeight / 2)));
  //pop Matrix
  //draw eclipse
  ellipse (flatitude, flongitude, 10, 10);


  • Moved to Android category.
    I doubt it will do anything, but you should try and move size() to the first line of setup(), as recommended everywhere...

  • Answer ✓

    you have a popMatrix() with no pushMatrix(). they need to match, and push should be first.

  • Answer ✓

    @gamecompile:: koogs is right as for the underflow error: no pushMatrix() before your translate(); but furthermore your popMatrix() is not at the good place if you want (as it s written in the comments) that the ellipse appears in the middle of the screen...It must be placed after the ellipse()....

  • Thank you very much. SOLVED

  • you can also accept an answer

  • Or several... I did it myself, hoping the OP will do it in the future (it is already nice to have marked the topic as solved).

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