
edited December 2014 in Share Your Work

In processing we have the method bezierPoint() and vertexPoint().
We don't have a quadraticPoint() and I needed one.
I made one and I thought I drop it here cause it's not the most easy thing to figure out.

So here it is:

void setup() {

  vertex(20, 20);
  quadraticVertex(80, 20, 50, 50);

  fill(255, 0, 0);

  int steps = 10;
  for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++) {
    float t = i / float(steps);
    float x = quadraticPoint(20, 80, 50, t);
    float y = quadraticPoint(20, 20, 50, t);
    ellipse(x, y, 5, 5);

public float quadraticPoint(float a, float b, float c, float t) {   
  return bezierPoint(a, a + ((b-a)*2/3.0f), c + ((b-c)*2/3.0f), c, t);


  • what is a quadraticPoint ?

    It stays within the rectangle?

  • Well, we have curvePoint and bezierPoint: https://processing.org/reference/bezierPoint_.html https://processing.org/reference/curvePoint_.html

    But we have nothing for something made with quadraticVertex. Maybe quadraticBezierPoint is a better name?

    Here a method for when a shape is made with curveVertex. In this case curveVertexPoint might be a better name :)

    void setup() {
      curveVertex(84, 91);
      curveVertex(84, 91);
      curveVertex(68, 19);
      curveVertex(21, 17);
      curveVertex(32, 100);
      curveVertex(32, 100);
      int steps = 18;
      // curvePoint
      // a and d are points on the curve, and b and c are the control points
      for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++) {
        float t = i / float(steps);
        curvePoint(84, 84, 68, 21, t);
        float x = curvePoint(t,84,84,68,21,32,32);
        float y = curvePoint(t,91,91,19,17,100,100);
          ellipse(x, y, 10, 10);
    public float curvePoint(float t, float... v) {
      // first figure out of how many parts the curve exists
      int parts = v.length-3;
      // now let's see which part we should operate on
      int part = (int)map(t, 0, 1, 0, parts);
      if (part == parts) part--;
      float partStep = 1.0/parts;
      // we have to correct t now
      float t2 = map(t, 
      part*partStep, // start of part
      (part+1)*partStep, // end of part
      0, 1);
      return curvePoint(v[0+part], v[1+part], v[2+part], v[3+part], t2);  
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