3D sketches don't display

edited November 2013 in Using Processing

I'm unable to run 3D sketches on a Mac using Processing 2.1. Both the following code snippets generate the same error message below. An icon appears indicating an applet is running but nothing else is visible on the screen. I'm not sure what the problem is?

void setup() { size(400,500,P3D); }

void setup() { size(400,500, OPENGL); }

IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static method javax.media.opengl.glu.GLU.gluNewTess()Ljavax/media/opengl/glu/GLUtessellator;


  • edited November 2013 Answer ✓

    try importing these but I am not sure whether its gonna work or not

    import javax.media.opengl.*;
    import processing.opengl.*;
  • Unfortunately importing these resources had no effect. I get the same error message. Is this a problem other people are experiencing?

  • Answer ✓

    can you post your code .... then may be I can tell you

  • This is the code that produces the error:

    void setup() { size(200,300,P3D); }

    It's the only code in the program.

  • The most likely source of this issue seems to be Apple's new Mavericks version of OS X.

    For others with this issue I suggest looking to the Forum entries on Mavericks

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