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I have a "room" with a mask and I am altering the HSB of only the non-masked part of the room. See here for files, explanation, etc..
and I am getting a NullPointerException for my animated GIF. I'm using the gifAnimation Library.
I get that the null pointer exception is showing that the myAnimation function has failed... but I don't understand why.
Here is my code:
PImage photo, mask, image;
int md = 150;
int md2 = md * 2;
import gifAnimation.*; // import the gifAnimamtion library
Gif myAnimation; //creates Gif object called myAnimation
void setup() {
size(781, 742);
photo = loadImage("test_cave2.jpg");
mask = loadImage("test_cave2_mask.jpg");
colorMode(HSB, 1);
myAnimation = new Gif(this, "totally_transparent_fire_clipped.gif"); // load animated GIF file from the data folder
myAnimation.play(); //play the animated GIF at the above frame rate.
void draw() {
rect(0, 0, photo.width, photo.height);
int minX = max(mouseX - md2, 0);
int maxX = min(mouseX + md2, photo.width);
int minY = max(mouseY - md2, 0);
int maxY = min(mouseY + md2, photo.height);
for (int x=minX; x<maxX; x++) {
for (int y=minY; y<maxY; y++ ) {
int loc = x + y * photo.width;
float mb = brightness(mask.pixels[loc]);
if (mb > 0.1) {
float d = dist(x, y, mouseX, mouseY);
float adjustBrightness = (md - d) / md;
color c = photo.pixels[loc];
float b = brightness(c) + adjustBrightness;
pixels[x + y * width] = color(hue(c), saturation(c), b);
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 20, 20);
image(myAnimation, mouseX-62, mouseY-93); //display the amiate GIF at desired location.
Can anyone explain why it is breaking?
Lastly, when I run the gifAnimation code by itself... it works just fine. Here is that code:
// Little program for displaying one animated GIF
// based on the gifAnimation library by Extrapixel
// http://extrapixel.github.io/gif-animation/
import gifAnimation.*; // import the gifAnimation library
Gif myAnimation; // create Gif object called myAnimation
void setup() {
size(800, 800);
// window size (pixels), use(displayWidth,
// displayHeight)for fullscreen size
myAnimation = new Gif(this, "totally_transparent_fire_clipped.gif"); // load animated GIF file from
// the data folder, replace
// "img01.gif" with the name of
// your GIF file
myAnimation.play(); // play the animated GIF
void draw() {
background(0); // window background color, 255 = white, 0 =
// black, RGB values e.g. (43,170,224)
image(myAnimation, mouseX-62, mouseY-93); // display the animated GIF, define top left
//print(mouseX, mouseY);
// corner x and y coordinates for the animation
Works for me. I downloaded a Gif and typed in the Gif's name to line 14. Had the other jpgs from the masking post. Check your Gif name and its location in the data folder.
Ooph, egg on my face. I am embarrassed. X_X
...but thank you!
I must have forgot to move everything over.
I wish there was a better IDE for processing. That could have saved me a few hours! ha ha ha.