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Hi, I have a very simple drawing app in processing.js and want to control the brushsize via my physical midicontroller.
Since there is no midi-libary in processing that is supported in processing.js I thought of using the midibridge javascript API.
You can read about it here: http://abumarkub.net/abublog/?page_id=399 and see a very simple example here: http://abumarkub.net/midibridge/example/basic-example.html
Is that possible or does the drawing app have to be coded in pure javascript? Here is my code
float R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;
float brushsize = 5;
void setup() {
size(300, 300);
void draw() {
if (mousePressed){
stroke(R, G, B);
line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
Well, this "JS" library is relying on a Java applet. So:
Beside, I fail to see the interest of having inline programs that relying on specific hardware on the computer of the visitor...
Hi PhiLho, makes sense, I didn't realize you could export the java applet and run it in a browser. :\"> That makes things alot easier, because I can just use the midibus library for processing.
Thank you
Edit: one last question, as far as I can see there is a web midi standard developed that that doesn't use a Java applet w3.org/TR/webmidi/ Is that right? As long as you activate it under chrome://flags/#enable-web-midi
Interesting. Indeed, it supposes the browser do direct system access to a potential Midi device.