Getting webcam data

edited October 2013 in How To...

Hello everyone!

I am absolutely new to processing and am attempting to use it for a school project.

I would like to control the for loop with input from a webcam instead of a mouse. (This code is ale's.

PImage I;
int i,x,y,w=900,h=450;
void setup(){size(w,h);
void draw()

I've looked into Golan Levin's frame differencing, flob blob tracking, and other methods of getting data out of captured video but I can't figure out how to use it in this instance. When running Levin's code without modification I get an error reading

"Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started"

and then the rendered window remains grey.

However I can run this sketch ( without a problem.

Thanks in advance for your help!



  • A simple approach would be to scan the webcam image looking for the brightest pixel, and then you replace mouseX and mouseY with the x and y of the brightest pixel. That means that you should use something bright to control the program, like a flash light or the screen of your cellphone.

    This is not as fancy as blob tracking, but it can be done in a few lines of code, and painting with a flash light is also fun :)

    You can also look for other properties, like the pixel with most red, or most blue, if you are wearing a glove with that color and everything else in the image does not have much of that color.

  • There's actually an example that does exactly what hamoid suggested in examples->libraries->video->capture->brightnesstracking

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