Compare LiveCam with picture

edited November 2014 in How To...

Good day everybody,

for disclaimer: yes I am going to ask for help with a university project, but I won't ask you to do the work for me. Just push me in the right direction, please

So here is the deal. I'm supposed to write an advent calendar in processing. It should film the reality, find a door and open this door virtually with something christmassy behind.

I have trouble to think of a way to detect a door. I've looked into the OpenCV library and the canny edge detector looks promising. I could use the canny function on the filmed image and then somehow compare its edges with the edges of an example image of an actual door. This is where I am stuck. And I'm not sure what I could google that could help me. Maybe you have an idea...

(In case this idea is not a good practice, please recommend other libraries or ways.)

I haven't started yet so I don't have any code-examples. I'm just trying to figure out the concept. Btw I'm an absolute newbie to processing so please be patient

I'm using Processing 2.2.1 and OpenCV for Processing 0.5.0 by Greg Borenstein



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