unfolding map layout

edited November 2014 in Library Questions


I just started to work with unfolding and I'm trying to create an own layout for a map. Through processing there is only the possibility to insert existing map layouts through certain providers but I want to build my own. I looked into tillmile and mapbox but couldn't figure out how to import the data into my unfolding processing sketch. Is it that complicated? I am a beginner so don't be too harsh on me please!


  • In TileMill you need to export your custom map as MBTiles, put that file into your sketch's data-folder, and load them for use with Unfolding.

    See MBTilesApp in the examples of Unfolding. Note that you need to download another library (sqlitejdbc) before. See comment in the code.

  • Thank you, I will try that. But there's a little thing I don't understand. So I put the MBTiles-File into my data-folder. Can you tell me what code exactly to use in processing to load that file in my unfolding-processing sketch? And where I get that library and where to put it? Thank you, I'm a beginner...

  • edited November 2014

    I got it done by myself. Thank you for your answer! If you got a little time, could you answer a different question, regarding unfolding? I am trying to find a way to animate the markers I set onto my unfolding map. They should be throbbing on different points on the map. Is this possible through processing and if so, how can you do it?

  • That certainly is possible. You probably might want to read through some examples from Processing to find out how to do animation.

    But if you want to check out a more complex example on using animated dots (here: expanding circles to visualize earthquakes) you can try to understand and port this example to Processing. (it uses another external library, though)

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