Calling Object Methods With thread()

I have been trying to find a way to create a thread out of methods from an object. I understand how to extend the Thread class and use that, but it would be much more effective if I were to use thread(). The issue is that when I try to call a method that's in an object, I get an error message. For example:

Thing trevor = new Thing(71);
void setup() {

class Thing {
  int num1;
  Thing(int n1) {
    num1 = n1;
  void printNum() {

This produces the following message: There is no public trevor.printNum() method in the class sketch_131029c

What do I need to do in order to get thread() to work in this situation? Thanks.



  • edited October 2013

    Both thread("") & method("") can only invoke functions belonging to the main sketch; not from other classes! :(
    And neither pass nor return arguments! 8-|

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