We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
// Called each time a new packet arrives
void packetEvent(CarnivorePacket p) {
int i = 0; // index
while ( i < p.data.length) {
// limit to HTTP traffic
if (p.senderPort == 80 || p.senderPort == 443) {
// grab three available bytes
if ( (i + 2) < p.data.length) {
// if there's enough room to grab 3 more bytes
// attach a number on the left side so 001 is like 1001, so as not to fall off
num1 = binary(p.data[i]))
// just add 'em up!
int fullnum = int(binary(p.data[i])) + int(binary(p.data[i + 1])) + int(binary(p.data[i + 2]));
i += 3; // set index to next number after this set
} else {
i++; // just go on to the end if not
This works pretty well, with output like:
3300012 --- problem!
Since some bytes will have leading zeros after being added together, I get cut-off numbers like this. The end result is to use these numbers to control LEDs (0 = nothing, 1 = red, 2 = green, so on). I suppose I could convert it to a string to take care of this, but that sounds expensive. Thoughts?
The issue here is that the int type automatically removes excessive zeros, as you may already know. One thought would be to have the LEDs read the numbers from right to left and have it interpret any leftover LEDs as 0.
Ah yes, indeed.
Something like...
The zeroes are there (there is an infinity of them before the digits...) but not displayed by println(). You can use nf() to format an integer to a string with leading zeroes.