Spiral Flow field

edited October 2014 in How To...

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Does any one have any ideas of how this way made? I'm think its some sort of flow field but following a spiral? Is that even possible? Would like to know how you think it was made if you could share you're thoughts.




  • I took a stab at it. As you can see (especially if you click and hold, which shows control points(red) and stops background(0)) each point is making a circle. You'just got to vary their rotational offsets in a spirally way, which I haven't nailed down yet.

    class Par{
      float cx, cy;
      float t;
        float r = random(sqrt(20),sqrt(width/2-20));
        r = r*r;
        t = random(TWO_PI);
        cx = r * cos(t);
        cy = r * sin(t);
      void draw(){
    Par[] pars = new Par[5000];
    void setup(){
      for(int i=0;i<pars.length;i++) pars[i] = new Par();
    void draw(){
      if(!mousePressed) background(0);
      for(int i=0;i<pars.length;i++) pars[i].draw();
  • edited October 2014

    @TfGuy44's example was a little slow in my system. Made a tweaked version replacing point() w/ set(): :ar!

     * Spiral Flow Field (v2.11)
     * by  TfGuy44 (2014/Oct/30)
     * mod GoToLoop
     * forum.processing.org/two/discussion/7860/spiral-flow-field
     * studio.processingtogether.com/sp/pad/export/ro.9$u0c$3ioIJIw/latest
    static final int QTY = 5120, FPS = 60;
    final Par[] pars = new Par[QTY];
    void setup() {
      size(768, 768, JAVA2D);
      for (int i = 0; i != QTY; pars[i++] = new Par());
    void draw() {
      if  (!mousePressed)  background(0);
      for (Par p : pars)   p.display();
    class Par {
      static final short HOLE = 32;
      static final float STEP = .05;
      static final color OFF  = -1, ON = #FF0000;
      final int cx, cy;
      float t = random(TWO_PI);
      Par() {
        float r = sq(random(sqrt(HOLE), sqrt(width/2 - HOLE)));
        cx = (int)(width/2  + r*cos(t));
        cy = (int)(height/2 + r*sin(t));
      void display() {
        set(cx + (int)(HOLE*cos(t += STEP)), cy + (int)(HOLE*sin(t)), OFF);
        if (mousePressed)   set(cx, cy, ON);

    It can be watched online here: http://studio.processingtogether.com/sp/pad/export/ro.9$u0c$3ioIJIw/latest
    Similar sketch from @TfGuy44 too: http://studio.processingtogether.com/sp/pad/export/ro.9ZbTlw0Ak8yUR/latest

  • edited October 2014

    tf guy44 wrote:

    each point is making a circle. You'just got to vary their rotational offsets in a spirally way

    I don't think that does it.

    My theory is different:

    • the spiral consists of invisble attractors for the floating white points

    Thus you need to make one spiral (see below) of invisble attractors and then have a 2nd layer upon it with white particles that follow the attractors (also with some noise() involved).

    Best, Chrisir ;-)

  • here is the spiral

    imho those spiral particles are only the attractors. You have to lay a second swarm upon it that reacts to those attractors.

    // make a moving spiral of particles. 
    // Those particles are supposed to be the attractors for 
    // a swarm. 
    Particle[] pars = new Particle[360];
    final int densityAttractors = 1;  // 1 close to, 9 far from each other 
    final int steepnesSpiral    = 4;  // 4 is good, 14 would be very dense spiral
    void setup() {
      size(800, 800);
      int j=0; // j is needed when densityAttractors!=1 
      for (int i=pars.length; i>0;i--) { 
        if (i%densityAttractors == 0) {
          pars[j] = new Particle( (i*steepnesSpiral)%360, i );
        } // if
      } // for
      println ("End of setup().");
    } // func
    void draw() {
      if (!mousePressed) {
      for (int i=0;i<pars.length;i++) {
        // if (pars[i]!=null)
      } // for
    } // func 
    // ========================================
    class Particle {
      float r;      // radius  // changing 
      float angle;  // angle   // const 
      // constr 
      Particle(float angle_, float r_) {
        angle = angle_;
        r     = r_;
      }// constr 
      void draw() {
        // draw and change here 
        // paint it 
        if (r>=0) {
          point(width/2+r*cos(radians(angle)), height/2+r*sin(radians(angle)));
        if (mousePressed) {
          stroke(255, 0, 0); // red 
          point(width/2+r*cos(radians(angle)), height/2+r*sin(radians(angle)));
          stroke(255); // white
        // change it 
        r++; // fly outwards
        if (r > 360) {  
        } // if
      } // method
    } // class 
    // ======================================
  • A big thank you everyone, was a lot more then I was expecting. I'm going to sit down with the code snipits and try to work it out. Thanks again

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