Carnivore library byte format is unfamiliar, little basic help please?

edited October 2013 in Library Questions

Hey all,

Using this lib: to do an art project involving sniffing network traffic. The problem is that println("Payload: " +; spits out something like this: Payload: [B@ef4504 which looks like hex to me, but what's up with '[B@' ? Just a header for hex data or something?

Doing an unhex on that specific data


spits out 15680772. So I'm guessing this is because data is an array, so all the data is being compressed into hex somehow. If I do data[index] then I get small manageable numbers that seem to be between -127 and 128, that sound about right?

Another issue is that by changing it to spit out a particular index of the array data, I get tons of errors.

at sketch_CP5_example1.packetEvent(
    ... 6 more
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor2.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.rsg.carnivore.CarnivoreP5.newCarnivorePacket(
    at org.rsg.carnivore.Core.dispatch(
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
    at sketch_CP5_example1.packetEvent(
    ... 6 more

Any info about this would be greatly appreciated. I will open source this project in the hopes that what I learn here helps others.


  • Upon more consideration, I believe the most pressing question is: Why is Carnivore returning the bytes as signed? I'd like them to be 0-255 :(

  • edited October 2013

    In order for println() to know it's supposed to list a structure content, we gotta use that as its sole argument: (~~)

    print("Payload: ");

    That spit hex value is the supposedly object's physical memory address (pointer reference)! 8-X

  • that's an address, the address of the object in memory and absolutely no use to anyone. the [ and B tells you it's probably a byte array.

    If I do data[index] then I get small manageable numbers that seem to be between -127 and 128, that sound about right?

    yep. that's the range for a byte.

  • edited October 2013

    actually, that page you link to tells you all this.

    "CarnivorePacket" Class members

    byte[] data The content of the packet as bytes.

    also there are 3 examples that look useful...

  • Yes, I am actively using the examples and came from that page, hence the link...

    According to what has been mentioned, moreover, that is wrong; it's not the content of the packet, but its address in memory?

    And there is a difference between a signed and unsigned byte, no?

    So if I invoke this: println(binary([i])); Is it binar-izing the memory address, or correctly returning the packet's content, bit by bit?

  • edited October 2013

    Code in full:

    import org.rsg.carnivore.*;
    import org.rsg.lib.Log;
    CarnivoreP5 c;
    void setup() {
      size(600, 400);
      c = new CarnivoreP5(this); 
      //c.setVolumeLimit(4); //limit the output volume (optional)
      //c.setShouldSkipUDP(true); //tcp packets only (optional)
    void draw() {
    // Called each time a new packet arrives
    void packetEvent(CarnivorePacket p) {
      for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
        //println("Payload: " +[i]);
        //println("(" + p.strTransportProtocol + " packet) " + p.senderSocket() + " > " + p.receiverSocket());
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