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i want to change kinect color... i can change single color. for example, change red to yellow. but i can't change single color to gradient color i want to change single color to gradient color.. T.T help me please...
this is the code (i found the code source from processing forum.. i can't remember author.. sorry)
import SimpleOpenNI.*;
SimpleOpenNI context;
int[] sceneMap;//this will store data about the scene
PImage myUserImage;//this is where we'll draw the user
int user1Colour = color(150, 0, random(255)); //change to whatever you like
void setup()
context = new SimpleOpenNI(this);
background(200, 0, 0);
// size(context.sceneWidth() , context.sceneHeight());
size(screen.width, screen.height);
//set scene map array
sceneMap = new int[context.sceneWidth()*context.sceneHeight()];
//create the image to draw the user into, by default it will be filled black
myUserImage = createImage( context.sceneWidth(), context.sceneHeight(), RGB );
void draw()
// // gives you a label map, 0 = no person, 0+n = person n - tell OpenNI to update the numbers in the array
//clear myUserImage - fill everything with black
Arrays.fill(myUserImage.pixels, color(0));//We've never used Arrays.
// fill() before,
// but all it does is it loops through all elements on an array you pass and sets a value you want for each element
//- fills an array with a value
for (int i = 0 ; i < myUserImage.pixels.length; i++) {
//check if there is a user for the current pixel, if so, use our custom colour for the pixel at this index
if (sceneMap[i] > 0) myUserImage.pixels[i] = user1Colour;
//display image
image(myUserImage, -500, 0, screen.width+500, screen.height);