Mouse Over on a Bezier Curve

edited October 2014 in Using Processing


I want to know if there is a way in which a can detect a mouse over on bezier curve. I have a couple of bezier curve and i want to change there color if mouse hover on them. And the curves are generated from dynamic data.

Thanks in advance



  • edited October 2014

    Hello !

    You probably can compute that but I think it's very complex.

    Fortunately, you can use an alternate way to do it.

    First of all, divide your bezier-curve in some line-segments. Then apply a "line-VS-circle collision detection" on each segment until you find a collision. The circle is a "virtual circle" with a small radius, that follow the mouse.

    And that's all !

  • By coincidence, some days ago there was a post about calculating bezier curves,

    but I think that will need further development to achieve exactly the bezier draw by Processing.

    Anyway another technique to determine mouse over is to use a not displayed PGraphics to draw the same thing you draw in main canvas, but with a unique color for each curve. Then you test this other PGraphics for the color under the mouse, if is not the bg color, bingo you are over a draw. You can also use the colors to return over which curve you are over.


  • edited October 2014

    An interesting problem and one that doesn't have a straightforward solution.

    The solution by @fanthomas would work but as he said would involve a lot of calculation.

    There is another way which you might do it, the following is assuming you are drawing in 2D

    1) use createGraphics to create an offscreen buffer

    2) copy the transformation matrix from the main display to the buffer

    3) switch smoothing off for the buffer (if appropriate for the renderer)

    4) increase the strokeWeight to something like 5 and turn off fill

    5) draw each thickened Bezier curve with a unique colour

    6) test for the colour being displayed in the buffer using mouseX and mouseY

    It is challenging but once you have done it the technique could be used in many other situations.

  • edited October 2014

    well, there is actually another solution :)

    just check the color of the pixel under the mouse . If it's your background color, you don't collide ; if not, then you are on your curve.

  • True - but we wouldn't know which curve the mouse was over (unless they all have different colours).

    Also there is the speed of the mouse movement in that the difference between mouseX/mouseY and pmouseX/pmouseY means you could skip over thin Bezier curves but less likely on the buffer.

  • edited October 2014 Answer ✓

    "Also there is the speed of the mouse movement in that the difference between mouseX/mouseY and pmouseX/pmouseY means you could skip over thin Bezier curves but less likely on the buffer."

    just need a loop between the old position and the new one.

    Something like that

    float oldX = 123;
    float oldY = 456;
    float distX = mouseX - oldX;
    float distY = mouseY - oldY;
    float dist  = sqrt(distX * distX + distY * distY);
    float angle = atan2(distY,distX);
    int len = ceil(dist);
    int i;
        oldX += cos(angle);
        oldY += sin(angle);

    "but we wouldn't know which curve the mouse was over (unless they all have different colours)."

    Not true :)

    You just need to check if you get collision between each "draw-call" of each bezier-curve until you get a collision (if you get a collision)

  • That would work - well thought out. :)

  • Thanks! for the help will try the different options :) Thanks again

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