How to load Instagram photos?

edited October 2014 in How To...

Hi everyone..

I am trying to load Instagram photos using processing. This is school project and I am not good at programming.. Also I don't know about JSON or Jquery.. but I want to do this.. I need your help!

I found proper library, so I imported it. And below is my code I followed other code. (ref:

1. I want to know how I can combine Instagram API and below code.
-myClient.GET("/v1/media/popular.json", params);
e.g. If Instagram provide below API,
Can I use that like..
-myClient.GET("/v1/media/3.json", params);

2. I think the responseReceived() was not activated. I see some messages about requesting.. but I couldn't see any messages about responses..

If you wanna try this, you can get user_token from below link. However, you need to get Client ID from Instagram and register Redirect URL to them.

I really need your help! Please don't pass by me coding genius!!!

import com.francisli.processing.http.*;

HttpClient myClient;

String username = USER_NAME;
String usertoken = USER_TOKEN;
PImage userphoto;

void setup(){

  myClient = new HttpClient(this, "");
  myClient.useSSL = true; 

void getGrams() {
    //// instantiate a new HashMap
  HashMap params = new HashMap();
  //// put key/value pairs that you want to send in the request
  params.put("access_token", usertoken);
  params.put("count", "0");
  myClient.GET("/v1/media/popular.json", params);

void responseReceived(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) {


  //// we get the server response as a JSON object
  com.francisli.processing.http.JSONObject content = response.getContentAsJSONObject();

  //// get the "data" value, which is an array
  com.francisli.processing.http.JSONObject data = content.get("data");

  //// get the first element in the array
  com.francisli.processing.http.JSONObject first = data.get(0);

  //// the "user" value is another dictionary, from which we can get the "full_name" string value
  //// the "caption" value is another dictionary, from which we can get the "text" string value
  //// get profile picture
  //// the "images" value is another dictionary, from which we can get different image URL data
  com.francisli.processing.http.JSONObject tags = first.get("tags");
  tagStrings = new String[tags.size()];
  for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) {
    tagStrings[i] = tags.get(i).stringValue();

  username = first.get("user").get("full_name").stringValue();

  String profilepicture_url = first.get("user").get("profile_picture").stringValue();
  profilepicture = loadImage(profilepicture_url, "png");
  String userphoto_url = first.get("images").get("standard_resolution").get("url").stringValue();
  userphoto = loadImage(userphoto_url, "png");


 //Display Photo();


void draw() {



void mouseClicked() {
  //Call Instagram

void display() {

    if (userphoto != null) {
    image(userphoto, width/2, height/2.25, 550, 550);
  } else {
    println("User photo is NULL");

  if (username != null) {
    text(username, 110, 115);

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