Headtracking with simpleOpenNI, without calibration pose/skelton tracking.

edited September 2014 in Library Questions

So I want to be able to track the position/orientation of the users head, when all the Kinect will be able to see is the users head/shoulders. (the kinect will be on the desk looking up at the user as they sit and use the computer.) Is there an easy way to do this, or will in need to write my own method?

(I was thinking of writing my own method using a few calibration images, and using some application of eigenvectors, but it is a little beyond my capabilities and will take way longer than I have.)

If i do have to write my own method, could someone point me in the right direction? I want to recreate a 3D video effect using head tracking + camera().


  • I've been wanting to do this too. I'll post anything helpful I find, hope you will too! Thanks.

  • Hello ! You should consider to use the new Kinect. I have it and fixed it over the screen, in front of me, and it detects my skeleton without any pose or something. If your hand are over the keyboard (or visible at least, even a bit hidden), it works pretty well. The skeleton is detected in less than 1 second and it's very accurate. I made some experiments to move a cursor using only the head and the results were amazing. I can give you the code if you want but you need the new kinect to get it working.

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