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Forgive me if this seems ignorant as am only new, but I've been attempting to create several 'pages' with unique jpeg backgrounds and effects without luck. Kind of like a story book where you click various hotspots to progress. Is there some advice or direction I could be pointed to in order to achieve this?
Thank you!
This post can get you started: (~~)
And to check the example online: ~O)
Funny I was actually playing with that code before posting but couldn't manage what I needed. I can achieve background images now, but adding effects like seen here http://processing.org/examples/brightness.html and then in another page having something completely different has me at a loss. I feel as though I need multiple void draw's or is there a way to load multiple 'projects' through page changing?
It's just a very basic example. The idea is having the code for each page in a separate function.
Like page0(), page1(), page2() and so forth. 3:-O
Thanks GoToLoop, think I've got it now :)