cp5 RadioButton methods documentation

edited September 2014 in Library Questions

Hi all,

looking for a list of methods available to RadioButton, Mr. Schlegel's doc page for the class shows what looks like an incomplete example. It ends in the middle of a for loop setting. But most important, it lacks the traditional list of availabe methods.

Where can I find this list of methods for the class?


  • Answer ✓

    Indeed, the example is cut off. You can find the complete example in the examples that come with the library under controllers/ControlP5radioButton. All the available methods are already in that page you link to, some in the main list, some in the methods inherited from other classes area right below it. As stated in the example, you can also "find a list of public methods available for the RadioButton Controller at the bottom of this sketch". Finally, you can print the list of available methods of a ControlP5 class to the console using the ControlP5.printPublicMethodsFor(SomeClass.class) command:

    import controlP5.*;
  • Funny, that works for any class too: \m/

    import controlP5.*;
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