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Hello everyone,
I'm working on a project where I have to display 2 images on my processing window. I work with Arduino Uno , 2 pushbuttons and a led. On processing, I chose 2 images of the same size (250.425) which separate my window (540.425) into 2 equal parts. I have to choose one of my 2 images, throught 2 pushbuttons which are on my Arduino.
Ideally, when i push the first one, my window will display the image which is on the left, at the window size (540*425). In the same way, when i push the second one, my window will display the image which is on the right (at the window size).
Before, I worked on a project with a mouse and it was easier because there were a special function for it (mouseButton). Does somebody know if there is something special for the use of a pushButton ?
I added a led on my electric circuit to check that it detects the push. No worry for the 2 pushbuttons, it works. Finally, I succeeded in displaying the 2 images on the window but i don't succeed in detecting the impact of the push (apart with the led). I tried something with the function buttonPressed but it doesn't work. Could somebody tell me where I'm mistaken ?
Thank you in advance for your answer!!
This is my code: import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort; //L'objet qui gère le port série
int ETAT_BP; // variable d'état du bouton poussoir
int ETAT_BP1;
int APPUI;
PImage img;
void setup(){
image(img,0,0); // display the image in img at co-ordinate (0,0)
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0],9600);
void draw(){
void buttonPressed(){
if( ETAT_BP == APPUI){
println("square 1");
if( ETAT_BP1 == APPUI){
println("square 2");
Look at using Processing's Arduino library along with Arduino's Firmata software. See http://playground.arduino.cc/Interfacing/Processing . The other way is to set up serial communication between the two, which is kind of a pain but puts you in touch with what's really going on.
Function buttonPressed() isn't a valid Processing's callback event I'm afraid.
Have you read Processing's reference about keyPressed() callback event?
Thanks for your advice. I hadn't read the keyPressed callback. So, I adapted my code to this function, it's working but... with a keyboard not with a pushbutton. Do you know how to adapt my code for working with my pushbuttons ?
This is my code updated:
And the results that I get:
(with b pushed):
(with c pushed):
No one ?
There are some excellent examples of Processing<->Arduino serial communication in Processing's Examples, in the File menu. Look in Libraries>Serial. The SimpleRead example looks like just what you need.
(Don't call loadImage inside draw() - it's too slow. Load the images to 3 separate pimages in setup and then just display the correct one in draw())
Thanks for your reply. Indeed, the SimpleRead has helped me. When I work with just one pushbutton, no problem: i succeed in switching on the led (Arduino) and playing with the images (Processing). However, when I work with 2 pushbuttons, I don't succeed in switching on the led (for a push on the first or on the second pushbutton), so the push is not detected.. Does someone have an explanation ?
This is my Arduino code without any problem (1 pusbutton):
This is my Arduino code for 2 pusbuttons, it doesn't work:
It looks like you're sending a
to Processing for both switches. Shouldn't it beSerial.write(2)
for switchPin2? Then your Processing program can decide what to do with each.I tried to change switchPin(2) to put Serial.write(2) but it doesn't work :-/
or modify "virtualcolormixer" or
try this ( I can not try it now)
Yes, I did a if...else, and it works! Thanks !!