Volunteer Thank You Day

edited August 2014 in General Discussion

Hello! I am TechWiz777. I have learned by reading recent posts (thanks to my cousin) that this website is ran and made progressive each day by volunteers. They work without getting paid, and they help answer our questions so that we can be successful. I may not have you all, but could we say thank you to some of these volunteers:

Asimes GoToLoop Kevin Workman Quark

These people and many more have helped us with our questions, and we have surely benefited.

My cousin has been using my account and he was rude to some of these volunteers, and again for that i would like to apologize. It was my fault in the first place to let him use it, knowing how sensitive he is.

Again, I hope to call this day, "processing volunteers thank you day". To honor our volunteers and everyone who uses this website. If you agree, could you post yes, and if not post no. Then i will let the moderators see if they want this to be in action.

These people have helped me, since I am new to programming, and I am very thankful. I may be in conflict with some now, due to my cousin's actions. I want them to know I am thankful for their help, and how they are so kind to help us each and every day.


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