How to achieve constant dissolve between photographs? (example)

I'm creating something similar to which cycles through a bunch of images, sort of blending them together. The blending on Selfie City is amazing, and I can't seem to replicate it. I think it might have to do with switching the blending mode to additive, but I'm curious if anyone has some helpful ideas.


  • It looks like regular dissolve to me. Not additive. The thing is that they try to keep the eyes registered between shots, at least levelled... Like every pic goes in and out in about 1 or 2 secs...

  • I tried a few regular dissolves, maybe I'm not conceptualizing it right. Is there a need to render more than one image at a time to the canvas, or can I just do one and rely on gradual fade of a semi-transparent black rectangle?

  • Thanks to _vk I made another version that works. New problem: it's very laggy! My computer is 4 years old now, but maybe there is a simple optimization someone could point out?

    PImage currImg;
    PGraphics canvas;
    int index = 0;  // which image?
    // array to store image paths
    ArrayList<String> imgPath;
    // array of photo objects
    ArrayList<Photo> photo;
    void setup() {
      size(1920/2, 1080/2, OPENGL);
      canvas = createGraphics(1920, 1080, OPENGL);
      // set up canvas
      // arraylist of strings to hold image paths
      imgPath = new ArrayList<String>();
      // arraylist of photo objects
      photo = new ArrayList<Photo>();
      // load in image files
      File dir = new File(dataPath(""));
      File[] files = dir.listFiles();
      for ( int i=0; i < files.length; i++ ) { 
        String path = files[i].getAbsolutePath();
        // check the file type and work with jpg/png files
        if ( path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png") || path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png") ) {
          // populate image array
          imgPath.add(new String(path));
      // get an image in there first
      photo.add(new Photo());
    void draw() {
      // iterate thru photo array backwards
      for (int i = photo.size ()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Photo p = photo.get(i);
        if (p.opacity < 0) {
        } else {
      image(canvas, 0, 0, width, height);
    void keyPressed() {
      photo.add(new Photo());
    class Photo {
      float opacity = 0;
      float acc = 7;        // acceleration (direction and amount) of opacity change
      boolean apex = false;
      PImage img;
      Photo() {
        // load in a random image
        String s = imgPath.get(int(random(imgPath.size())));
        img = loadImage(s);
      void update() {
        // change opacity
        opacity += acc;
        // have we hit the apex of opacity?
        if (!apex && opacity >= 255) {
          apex = true;
          acc = acc * -1;    // reverse direction
        // show image
        canvas.tint(255, opacity);
        canvas.image(img, 0, 0);
  • Have you already tried to use the default's renderer JAVA2D?
    It'd be nice if your app would open a folder select window as the example in this thread does:

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