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Hey All... I am starting out and know you need to crawl before you walk. Going through and scanning some of these other questions. I am like "OH Shit" does this get easier or what..... I have a little time with Khan Academy and should I even be here?? They are using Processing.JS and I am noticing what they are showing does not exactly match to what works here. I am just going at this with no help or support, home schooling so-to-say. It is a challenge for sure and I am getting the basic shapes down.
My question is with triangle, the x, y, coordinates run counter clock wise but with quad they are placed clock wise to get a filled image. Just feeling overwhelmed!! I am using the PDF ( Processing - A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists) It is a Casey Reas / Ben Fry publication and I have Shiffmans PDF also. Just curious and not having anyone or thing to compare this to is a bitch. Does anyone out there know of a discussion or forum for TOTALLY INEXPERIENCED NEWBIES like myself. I feel like I am wasting your time looking a what I am asking compared to the others questions. Looking for support and I am not giving up but looking to avoid bad habits and move forward positive and not frustrated. If that makes any sense to you guys. Yes it is practice and time in but I know how green I am and to talk with others in the same boat, till we catch up to the "norm" on this site. Any words or links are a blessing and thanks in advance!!...Peace....
I feel your pain. I would recommend visiting OpenProcessing and finding examples that do something with what you want to learn. You can view and downlaod the code for each post and paste it into Processing. Make some changes and see what happens. If you get stumped, copy your problem code here and ask for help. Soon you will see patterns and start to understand how different methods work. Also, don't forget that Processing comes with a ton of examples. Load them up and modify.
I checked out a book from the library called Processing for Visual Artists by Andrew Glassner. It is an excellent book, very thick with color photos, and he walks you through various projects from the first idea/concept to the final implementation. Its all in a conversational, train-of-thought format.
I would recommend that if you have specific questions, post code. Without code, it is difficult to see what you might need.
I don't know what you are asking here... Can you explain better?
And for learning, have you met those?
We have all been there! Those books you mention are great ones that will teach you a lot of the basic stuff that you need to get going (that's how I learned coding as well, 100% autodidact). Also, there are many different sub-topics on this forum, from shaders to hardware to android, etc. I'm pretty sure there are very few people that are knowledgeable in every topic that is discussed here. You definitely don't need another forum. A forum like this is perfect also for beginners, because then most people can answer your questions! :-) As long as you show some effort, show your code and be clear about what you are trying to achieve or what the problem is, then there will be many people that can and will help. Good luck!
Thanks and just a bit overwhelmed I guest... I am plugging away at it and the old trial and error method till it works is what I am applying. It is nice to know there are prompt replies and those willing to pass info or explain. I am only a week into this and what I did grasp from Khan is all I am going on. Back at it and heads up!! Coming in!! Thanks!!
As for the triangle as you enter triangle( 60, 10, 25, 60, 75, 65); the x/y points go counter clockwise to form the filled triangle. The first is the top and the second is the lower left point, the third being the lower right point. The included example show two different ways to plot them for the quad and is what threw me off. I now realize that they are to be places counter-clock wise. This is the stupid questions I have and feel dumb asking them is all!!!
In the second example x2, y2, (86, 20) should actually be (30, 76) or am I seeing things. This is what confuse`s me and I don't need extra help. But the first example doesn't follow the second correct??
Thanks for your time and response's!!!
I believe that you can call the points either clockwise or counterclockwise for both triangle and quad. With quad, the main difference is that you want the points to proceed circular so that no sides cross.
Found this too...........
Thanks XYZZY...I found info for the book by Glassner and there is a "newbie look here first" area in the discussions area. I know it will come, I just need to slow down... trying to hard and should have done this a few years ago, again thanks and good luck to you also...Peace.....
When it comes to learning to program, if you have an interest where programming can be used it is easier to teach yourself as the motivation is based on concrete interests as compared to just "learning to program".
The goal of "learning to program" can be more than enough, but the fun is in advancing your interests at the same time.
Enjoy the ride!